Trudy ESCAPES and MOO learns a TRICK


42 thoughts on “Trudy ESCAPES and MOO learns a TRICK”

  1. Enjoyed this video immensely. Thanks for the close-ups of Moo, Peacocks (Jack and Diane), Pablo and Trudy. I’ll keep Annabelle in my prayers that she feels the love that you give. Glad to see your vacation video, because you deserve it. You work hard

  2. Lol, Billy and the Goats…. Sounds like the name of a rock bandπŸ˜†πŸ€ . I like the way you feed the pigs, you're pretty good at landing those bowls with minimal oatmeal spillageπŸ˜ƒπŸ€©. I hope you went back and got those two huge piles of eggs those chickens in the hay were sitting on ☺️🌟🌟🌟🌟😏❀️

  3. wouldn't it be better to instead of building those piles of hay to burn in an upward fashion but just spread them out more so it's not so dense that's why they don't burn all the way through no oxygen. so I thought that the other day if you just make them a bigger area of the burn and not so piled high but spread out more.

  4. Jake people aren't talking about a little splatter like what you showed on Trudy today, they're talking about half of the bowl flying out and all over the ground. I've seen it so many many many times. if you had a way to get them a whole lot lower to the ground before you let go of them that'd be great. I personally haven't complained about it to you but I thought about it how bad that is and how rude it is because it looks like you just don't care. where is everybody else has got a nice beat you know feeding time when you bring their food. anyway they're not just talking about a little splatter.

  5. Billy you got feed in your crack. oh my gosh that is so funny and all I kept seeing in my brain was oh how we should say it the southern crack you know the back side I can't imagine. can you imagine feeding your crack that'd be like almost like going to the beach and sit down on the sand and you get up and you got sand in your crack I'm sorry I had trouble saying this cuz I keep laughing Billy you got feed in your crack!


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