Tribrid subliminal


have all the abilities of a tvd Tribrid
have Tribrid DNA
You can show your true face whenever you want
You’ll become a full Tribrid

Be faster than original vampires
Be stronger than original vampires
Perfect hearing
Perfect eyesight
immune to all kinds of disease
Immune to burn in the sun
Compulsion is stronger than original vampires
can compel regular vampires
Can compel all kinds of supernatural creatures
Compulsion only breaks if you want
Can control the craving for blood
Can survive without blood
Can turn off your emotions whenever you want
Can turn back on your emotions whenever you want
Intensified emotions
Compulsion through eye contact and commands
Stop aging whenever you want
Be youthful forever
High pain tolerance
Your blood will stay in human body for 24 hours
Every human die with your blood in their system will become a regular vampire
Every human you turn become a part of your sireline
Sireline die when you die
Werewolves you turn will become hybrids
Everyone in your sireline does what you want
Sire bond only breaks if you want
Can’t be killed by regular wooden stakes
Stop aging at desired age
You’ll heal immediately after getting injured
Vervain can’t hurt you
Fangs are very sharp
Fangs get sharp whenever you want
Extremely skilled at fighting
Can share memories if you want
Can enter in people’s minds
Can make illusions
Can make people see illusions you want
Can enter in everyone’s dreams
Can control people’s dreams
Nobody can enter your mind if you don’t want
Can jump very high
Blood tastes so good for you
Can see the dark veins under your eyes
Blood makes you much stronger
Hard to get injured
Don’t need to die to turn into a vampire

Have yellow glowing eyes
Desired breed
Desired fur color
Don’t need to break the werewolf curse
Can turn into a wolf at will
Transformation is very quick
Transformation is painless
Transformation is very easy
Become extremely fast and strong
Get stronger every full moon
Full control on your wolf side
Night vision
Produce werewolf venom
Venom is toxic to vampires
Your blood can cure werewolf bite
Bite is deadly to regular vampires
Enhanced sense of sight
Enhanced sense of hearing
Enhanced sense of smell
Have connection with all wolves
Wolfsbane doesn’t hurt you

Fluent in Latin
Know all the spells existed
Can do all the spells easily
Can cast spells on first try
Can create spells you want
Can make all the potions
Stronger than other witches
Magic doesn’t affect the balance of nature
Astral projection
Elemental control
Psychic abilities
Creating illusions
Can do verbal and non verbal spells
Master in all types of supernatural magic
Can predict the future
Pain infliction
Have the power of hollow witches
Dream manipulation
Siphon magic
Witch powers don’t go away when you turn into a vampire
Powerful connection with nature
Can cast spells with crystals and herbs
Know how to do all the spells
Can channel from all the witches ever excited


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