Why Elden Ring is one of the Most Hyped Games EVER (…and why you should play it)

Elden Ring releases in mere hours, and it has got to be one of the most exciting and hyped games in recent memories. An open world Dark Souls? If you get it, you get it. But let me break it down!

Here’s my preview of Souls games, and what I think you should know before playing Elden Ring!

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🔹 Editing by The Family Bovine | https://youtube.com/thefamilybovine
🔹 Produced by EckhartsLadder | https://youtube.com/eckhartsladder
🔹 Featuring CoreyLoses | https://youtube.com/coreyloses

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🔹 Intro Music | Home – Resonance
🔹 Music by DOMINANT | https://bit.ly/eckstoomusic

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27 thoughts on “Why Elden Ring is one of the Most Hyped Games EVER (…and why you should play it)”

  1. My problem with Dark Souls is that the difficulty discourages you before it's any fun. Ori and the Blind Forest was hard, but it was a fantastic game.

    I am in interested in Elden Ring, due to the open world aspect. Exploring a beautiful world in one of my favorite things to do in games.

  2. There's a polygon article talking about the predecessor to the weapon and build customization. It is From Software's previous and sci Fi Mecha series Armored Core.

    From Software has existed since the 90s with Kings Field. However, their popularity has been fairly low and niche to the Mecha fans.

  3. Yeah , No . I don't Have time to die Millions of time .
    I played Bloodborne , Looks dope , really freaking badass , so My Style of look
    its right up My ally . but The Diffultity , Its just to much for Me , Im more Casual Gamer
    i game from time to time but i ratter have good Story then a hard game , i ratter have fun with the game then get Angry at it .

  4. how nice it is to be given a challenge that you want to invest in, not babying games and removing features because it's too hard, right: Paradox, CA, etc, looking at you Victoria 3, looking at you Warhammer 3

  5. If you show this to certain people they won't get this, and will insist that the game NEEDS to fit their wants. Thing is FromSoftware has done a lot to pander to them, but they still want more.

  6. played for about an hour, got real bored real fast, easy on the "hardest" settings and repetitive and cliche souls, returned it and got a full refund but hey glad yall are having fun that's what counts

  7. We advised Eck to skip Dark Souls 2 for several reasons.
    I know the game has it's lovers and it's take on Lore is very unique, especially back when it came out.

    But Eck during his streams didn't pay too much attention to the Lore and gamplay wise I think all Souls players know DS2 is lacking. The game has serious hitbox issues addressed in many videos on youtube with examples of very unfair hits being registered. Grab mechanics were always a bit nasty in Souls games but in DS2 this is also taken to the next level, where your character can teleport 6 feet just so the grab animation can play.
    What Eck said with souls games being hard but fair simply doesn't apply to DS2. DS2 also punishes the player for dying by cutting player's hit point maximum upon death. This can be remedied but overall was always seen as unnecesarily cruel mechanics. Healing item mechanics were often also criticised on the other side of the spectrum- it makes the game too easy for many players, especially when it comes to items that can regenerate your health mid boss battle. Knowing when to use healing items have always been a huge part of what made the combat challenging, DS2 took that away.
    There are also serious AI issues in the game, usually when it comes to pathfinding for enemies.

    There are other smaller issues but if someone wants to learn more there are youtubers that covered the game in depth, I can give some recommendations.


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