Tournament Finals 2023 – Ep 2 – Introducing the Nations Pt 2

So, secret to tell you: Sy and I can talk 😛
We finish going through the players and nations.
Check out Sy’s Channel:
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25 thoughts on “Tournament Finals 2023 – Ep 2 – Introducing the Nations Pt 2”

  1. this is great content and enjoyable to watch, but some friendly feedback to Sy (who is a great player no shade), it would be good to cut back on the "this is good, this is bad" assessments, and the statements about how things are sure to play out. The role of casters isn't to nitpick builds, its to try and understand why the players made the choices they did and potentially predict how their choices might collide. All the players in the finals are good, and certainly had some reasoning for the build choices they made. Dominions is an incredibly complicated game, super hard to predict, and all these players are really smart. A little more humility is warranted, even from the current best Dom5 player 🙂

  2. Love the chemistry, great to have someone able to outsnob lucid when it comes to builds
    Cant wait for the glee when people carefully finetune their expansion only to get dounced by rng 🤭

  3. To chip in on the Midgard discussion, I actually think Einheres are about as important to the nation as Galdermen. Having quite nearly won a very large game as Midgard, from the moment expansion is over to the very end of the game I genuinely think Einheres are the best non sacred recruit anywhere of any nation in LA. Atlantis or Vaeitiiheim as a collected roster is better, but as a single unit, Einhere take the cake. They're as buffable as vaetti (6 attacks/square) while being much tougher, hitting extremely hard, and ignoring moral. Their unique properties allow for troop buffing and battlefield global tactics that win battles decisively. Choosing scales over an expansion bless for more Einheres at the cost of galdermen is more than valid, it's exactly what I should have done in my own Midgard game in retrospective.

  4. I'm going to be a hater here: I disagree strongly with the people who are criticizing Sy for attacking bad builds, and, if anything, wish that Lucid would stop constantly trying to justify bad plays. No, you can't do Abba scales management as Gath, and no, four-dominion regen Garmhirdings is not a sensible build that does anything ever. If something's godawful, say so, and don't mince words. This is supposed to be the best players that Dominions has to offer, and it's frankly sad to see some of the decisions that have been made.

  5. I really like you both, and I loved the amount of technical knowledge on display, but it has to be said;

    Lucid: "we'll talk about the build in a later episode"

    Sy: "so what these guys are running is…"

    My inherent conflict aversion reflexes were going haywire haha!

    Fairly sure I know what was happening, and I'll definitely be sticking with the series, fully sure I'm going to love it in fact, but just hoping you find each others' rhythms.


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