Idaho 4 | Cell Phone Expert | Accelerometer | Kohberger Is In Trouble? | #new #crime #podcast

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26 thoughts on “Idaho 4 | Cell Phone Expert | Accelerometer | Kohberger Is In Trouble? | #new #crime #podcast”

  1. So the First Lab found nothing on the Knife sheath 🤔 … the Shoe print they admit to finding inside matches Shoe Type of Dylan who was "cleared" very fast but none of Kohberger's shoes are that type! 🤔 Quickly "cleared" Hoodie Jack S. had same Alibi as Kohberger has which was they were both driving alone separately! Ones Alibi considered suspicious the others is considered a good Alibi to get Cleared!! 🤔 With Zero Suspects the individuals closest to the House and people known to be in the House got "Cleared" very fast on a long list! 🤔 With Zero Suspects the Authorities said it was a Targeted Incident so the public didn't need to be worried then after Public OutCry they changed it to "the public needs to stay Vigilant because we don't know who the Perpetrator(s) is" plus they kept saying they wanted to speak to individuals seen on video in a vehicle at the house! 🤔 Once Kohberger was arrested we never heard anymore about that! Look for BodyCam Footage and Surveillance Footage to Vanish or parts of it vanish before the Defense can see them! Hopefully the owners of many of the doorbell and lightbulb camera videos have backup copies they squirreled away! Plus zero mention in the Official documents about the 2 separate students projects that had cameras running that night and no mention of obvious boot prints seen being numbered and examined in the backyard by Forensics Team… those pics are everywhere but not a peep about them by the Prosecution!!! 🤔 I could go on forever! 😳 Remember Creepy Jeremy, Inan Harsh and Jack D. were all about a 1 minute walk to the house that night and their Alibi's were they all were sleeping alone separately of course! … but was enough to Clear them!! 🤔 😳

  2. GPS-enabled smartphones are typically accurate to within a 4.9 m (16 ft.)….How accurate is mobile triangulation?
    The average accuracy of a mobile tower is between 0.5KM to 1.5KM. . Even if a cell phone is shut off or battery is dead, you can still make them ring.

  3. I have had tape on my camera on my laptop for years! Because I saw a special on TV years ago where a girl was being watched dressing and undressing Because she left her laptop open in her room and they hacked into her camera.

  4. 1. The next best thing would be something CAST would go with.

    2. Ive come to really dislike people excusing others or points as "its conspiracy bro, it cant be taken seriously", for two reasons.

    A. Thanks to FOIA, we now know the FBI enacted the strategy of getting people to dismiss iften fantastical or complex things as "its conspiracy, its not real" as a way to hide and not answer for the very real things our government was/is doing.

    B. Once again, thanks to FIOA forcing the release of over 1 million once classified documents, this is how i now view these subjects and for clairification, im 42.
    If we remove the insanity of religious conspuracy, Satan, Spirit cooking, summoning demons and we remove Aliens and only focus on the things that have been labeled "conspiracy theory, ignore it, its wrong" that are just examples of just government acting badly, morally or ethically questionable or flat out illegal acts.

    We now know because of all those declassified documents that basically everything we were told was conspiracy theory, makes no sense, dont believe it, in the 70s, 80s, 90 and 00s, was 100% true.

    Yes, our gov did falsely start Vietnam, Iraq 1 and Iraq 2. Yes, Agent Orange and MK-ULTRA was real. Yes, they did have systems in place to get cheap coke by the boat load to black communities and while much was redacted, turns out a chemist working for the FBI, did create crack.
    Turns out that the FBI was in action to commit and one call away from enacting Operation Northwoods…. oh ya and that was real. Whats that?
    That was the plan for the FBI to blow up a civilian 747, do a few assassinations and blow up some businesses in Miami and blame it on Cuba, to justify a war with them.
    Quick note, they still refused to release some docs, one was the details around the civilian 747 that was bombed "by Pablo Escobars men", that then granted the FBI and DEA the ability to operate outside of the US.
    I suspect knowing these things is how ppl got to 911 conspiracies as well. Which i can def see it, but is one conspiracy i dont agree with.

    Oh yah, and it turns out that i might have to alter my position again because of this alien stuff. But im waiting on that.

    I gotta run to walmart b4 they close, ill come back and edit, im not done.

  5. They are assuming his phone was off, sounds better for their warrant, I’m actually fact the connections are very scatty in that area, this was also said by that woman that went to court for the defence about the DNA, I think she had pink hair, she said her internet connection was very sketchy while she was there, it would go off at random times.


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