Top 9 Wild Moments That Led Blood Curdling Screams #4 #5 #6 – #shorts

These moments led to blood-curdling screams!


47 thoughts on “Top 9 Wild Moments That Led Blood Curdling Screams #4 #5 #6 – #shorts”

  1. i have a neighbours kid like this – the neighbour has decided to never correct the child, be its friend at all times. that's fine after age 7 but kids need boundaries and the demon kid next door had the whole apartment complex hostage..

  2. The best behaved my severely autistic sister has ever been was on a plane, she did amazing we were so proud of her! Poor thing even had a double ear infection, barely made a wimper till we landed.

  3. Why we should have "no children" flights as an option or parents to require insurance so depending on the amount of time a child is screaming through out the flight, passengers can get compensated.

  4. That 3 year old on the plane and his mom both need a good ole fashioned ass whooping. If i was on that plane i would have probably screamed at both of them. Like wtf lady? Control your damn kids

  5. Terrible parents, even if he has behavioral issues they should make an effort to quell his anxiety. Deal with him now because later will be to late

  6. Fr. my 4yr. Is a that and then some. I am paralyzed in life atm, everything is based on who will stay behind with him. My relationship is just co-parenting bouncing who will watch him from min. To min. Long story short, i would only travel if i was moving from one state to a way far state away…

  7. I know a young boy that has a problem where he doesn’t know how to control himself when he gets angry. He takes medication which helps but it doesn’t fix it. So we have to teach him how to react to his anger in non violent ways


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