To Anyone Feeling LOST & UNHAPPY, Watch This To FIND MEANING In 2023 | Rick Rubin

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This week’s guest is regarded as one of the all-time music greats. Named on Time magazine’s list of the ‘100 most influential people in the world’, he is none other than the legendary record producer, Mr Rick Rubin.


Show notes available at:

Find out more about Rick:

Rick’s book:
The Creative Act: A Way of Being

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36 thoughts on “To Anyone Feeling LOST & UNHAPPY, Watch This To FIND MEANING In 2023 | Rick Rubin”

  1. Thank you for this interview. I love it so much!! Listening to you both talking is pure pleasure, it makes my boring work interesting. You can't imagine how you help me by your work

  2. I just watched documentaries about ppl from Papua and Mimbas from Namibia. It'd be soooooo interesting to see how some of their values are ones we should embrace. This guest is extremely interesting, ty!

  3. Have listened to feel better live more for a good few years now. Have loved the health and wellness advice. Was very surprised to see Rick Rubin but absolutely loved it!!! An authentic life is a creative life. Loved Rick Rubin's work and his podcasts / interviews. He is such an inspirational person. Bought his book as well after listening to this…… Thanks again for this!

  4. THE TITLE LITERALLY DESCRIBES HOW IM FEELING AND THE WHOLE I JUST OPENED UP YOUTUBE AND RANDOMLY THOUGHT TO SEARCH UP 'RICK RUBIN WISDOM' …I hope the source is guiding me to something solutions..because I feel like I'm just lost and drifting.

  5. thank you for this podcast! i loved the authentic conversation and the last personal advice towards the end, excited to get the book. thank you both for spreading love health and creativity

  6. Unrealistic that people can just up and live on the beach, not everyone has the money to do this, or wants to up and leave with nothing, its possible to be homeless of course, but most ppl don't want that!

  7. now if only we could roll out what Dr Chatterjee proposes throughout the NHS and actually have a health service fit for peoples needs and a healthservice that isn't just reactive and is there to prevent illness and to support true wellbeing.

    The problem is many people who work in the healthservice and Gps do not think like Dr Chatterjee and even with their constraints over time and the amount of patients they have to see they still don't seem to understand the art of healthcare and are too ready to write unnvessary presciptions rather than listen to a person.
    I have had too many GP's who hardly give eye contact or look up from their computer screen and for mental health ny expereince with GPs has not been good.

    I wish Dr Chatterjees philosophy of health was more present throughout healthcare and especially primary care as it would stop an awful lot of unnecessary health issues further down the line and our country would be richer and happier because of it.

  8. I’m going to get downvoted for this but I feel like Rubin likes to hear himself talk a bit too much. I’m five minutes into this video and he’s literally not paused for s single moment to let his host interject or offer any kind of acknowledgment. I’ve watched many interviews with him and he seems to always be this way… he says some good and insightful stuff, but I find it hard to listen to someone ramble on endlessly and it just strikes me as arrogant and self-satisfied.

  9. Wow, what a lovely, grounded, deep thinker Rick is. He has done incredible things in his life and worked with immense talent, and yet he is so humble. What a wonderful and eye opening interview. I'm definitely going to read his book.

  10. Great podcast! I am enjoying reading Rick’s book and appreciate the nuances presented here. I’m confused: I‘ve understood that lowering our core body temperature helps sleep, but that it’s obtained by heating it externally (hot bath, etc.) before bed. Body responds to the heat by lowering its core temp… but they just proposed that sleeping on a cool bed will lower core temp. Wouldn’t the cool bed illicit a warning from the body?

  11. I love how Rick tends to become the interviewer for a period of time in many of the podcasts I’ve heard him in. Really awesome that he does that and takes interest in the interviewer.

  12. Wonderful interview, what a lovely man! I bought his book on Audibles
    Can you provide a link to the breath work with ? Irwin ? McCourt – I cant find anything with googling, thanks so much!

  13. this is a good odcast, its about health
    and healing, and how to be happy and joyful
    which all people should have.

    i know when you have money or you can prosper thru investment, can relieve one
    from worrying about money.

    these people are scammers who come on all prodcast saying they make thousands of $$$
    just investing very little. don’t buy these

    They are paid to fun this con game, it
    so disrespectful to the prod cast.

    these people are on google however, they
    are still scammers.
    report them to the SEC, states attorney,
    attorney geneara office and the BBB

    please, please, please don't be scammed.
    i know it sounds good, these are lies.

  14. I’m so glad you asked that last personal question about making music! As a non music maker with musical aspirations/cravings to create, it really struck a chord (so to speak 😅) 🙏

  15. Yes, I just agree with Rangan, I had to study about writing songs that I had to distill it to be perfect, and yet all encompassing statement on a given theme. Now I’m happy to let it be a shard and a reflection on the subject in a given moment, and hope for it to be tasty and fresh, but not necessarily perfect.

  16. I've never had anyone suggest that I practice Meta for a time first just for myself. It's like the practice of Qigong, where a teacher said, fill up your own bucket, so that you can fill up a cup for others. Quite the timely reminder for anyone feeling depleted and burnt out. Thank you.

  17. I don't need another dad use to call me the fat daughter…I ran eighteen moles one time in the
    Wow hours after running similes died of a heart attack..yryo g Togo vg


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