Titanic tourist submersible goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean

A rescue mission is under way after a submersible used to take tourists to view the wreck of the Titanic went missing in the Atlantic.

The Boston Coastguard is carrying out the rescue mission for the OceanGate Expeditions tour group, which takes explorers to the depths of the ocean for $250,000 per person.

It is not known how many people were on board the submersible at the time it went missing.

#ocean #submarine #titanic

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25 thoughts on “Titanic tourist submersible goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean”

  1. In my culture, when a person unjustifiably dies, their soul will be vengeful and unfreed. The only way they could get themselves free is through causing another person to die in their place. That's why places where accidents happen the most keeps on happening. Around 1500 people died during the Titanic…

    I hope these people are saved soon.

  2. Imagine paying that much money to die just to see a ship that drowned more than 100 years ago. Wow astonishing humans never fail to leave me speechless

  3. See we humen being cant go into the depth of sea. or not into the height of space.
    Every things remains for us untold from Allah (god).we assume or thought stories from our side but nobody knows what reality is?

    We are just living only in this planet dont know about others whats there we are restricted by god to just this world.

  4. Эта уничтоженная подводная лодка Титан с погибшими членами экипажа – западный козел отпущения, запад обвинит в этом, сказав, что стреляла Россия, это западная пропаганда, так как Ирак, Афганистан и другие страны захвачены клеветническими историями*

    Eta unichtozhennaya podvodnaya lodka Titan s pogibshimi chlenami ekipazha – zapadnyy kozel otpushcheniya, zapad obvinit v etom, skazav, chto strelyala Rossiya, eto zapadnaya propaganda, tak kak Irak, Afganistan i drugiye strany zakhvacheny klevetnicheskimi istoriyami

  5. Why are the dead on the sinking migrant boat not talked about? If I had that much money, I would help the poor, the animals, and it's the best experience. Hundreds of migrant are dying, take them seriously too.

  6. Titanic disparity.
    5 people looking for adventure.Spend millions of millions to find these people all corrupt Media cover day and night.
    300 people looking for better life because poverty hunger. Spend money to find these people little or nothing.
    Real problem in the world and corrupt media don't cover as much as the titan.


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