Time Travel, UFO Crash Retrievals & Ancient Magic – Week in Review Exopolitics Today – July 8, 2023

Dr. Michael Salla covers the top exopolitics news stories from July 1 to 6, 2023, concerning university professors studying ancient texts on magic;  exoracism; sensitive JFK assassination files continue to be withheld; starmaking projects; studying Foreign Material Exploitation and UFO crash retrieval programs; orbs being flight tested at Area 51; time travel, and more.

This is the fifth in a new series of “Exopolitics Today – Week in Review” episodes that will be published on Saturday mornings.

For Dr. Michael Salla’s Twitter Feed with links to all stories, visit: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla


40 thoughts on “Time Travel, UFO Crash Retrievals & Ancient Magic – Week in Review Exopolitics Today – July 8, 2023”

  1. JP chose the wisest decision… so easy to be "lost" there for decades… easy way to eliminate an annoying person, no!!! Thank you Dr Salla for those weekly summaries. Very appreciated.

  2. I think Dr Greer said that the alien being were benevolent as a strategy to debunk a maneuver of a false flag invasion from the Cabal. As Elena Danaan said, at this moment the aliens that are interacting with Terrans are the Galactic and Intergalactic Federations, and that the Greys and Reptilian were removed from our solar system. It’s evident he KNOWS we were thousands of years under malevolent control. In my opinion this statement was ti reduce FEAR from what is to come. His words must be taken IN CONTEXT with the actual moment

  3. Loved your book, U.S. Army Insider Missions. Excellent. Tonys' book, Ceres Colony Cavalier was a wild adventure as well. I think his book, Project Starmaker will be good so i'll get that one 2. I think that stating the facts on whether some extraterrestrials are negative isn't a bad thing because some have bad intentions but believe most are good. I want free energy as well and expecially to go Interstellar. It's about time.

  4. Questioning is NOT hating..

    Questioning outlandish, unsubstantiated claims is a sign of wisdom, common sense and (should be) common practice, especially in the current times..

    Here's the thing: I can even understand why some proof, evidence might not be shown to the public, yet. What I don't understand is, why it is not shown to you, and you alone, Dr. Salla.

    If you, Dr. Salla, said: I've seen concrete, convincing proof and evidence of JPs accounts, I've seem the video footage with clear close ups, THEN I would not question it so much..But you haven't said it, have you, Dr. Salla??

    My advice is: Always question everything and everyone (especially if it's too outlandish and suspicious) claiming to be REAL, and NO proof or evidence of it being REAL is provided, OR it's being deliberately, actively withheld, hidden from the public by the same source, and if people making those claims and supporting them are profiting from them. That is simply opportunistic, reckless and imoral.

    At leas add a disclaimer, alerting people for the fact that the accounts being described haven't been proven to be REAL (nor fake).

    Even JP should question it. For all we know, all of us might be getting used, deceived and lied to, again..

    I do ponder, if people aren't just being accustomed and acclimatized to a new reality, "a new normal", one that includes aliens (who might not be exactly what they are told to be) where perceptions of it (of them) are carefully being nudged, twisted and skewed in it's (their) favor, and in the favor of those who seek more power and control.

    So, I do ponder, if people aren't purposefully being drawn in, brought on board, into this new reality, this new normal, with the prospect of wonderful new and exciting things, making people impatiently despair and clamor for it, when things might in fact be different than that which is presented and perceived, and when people should instead be patiently questioning it (all), HARD! TO THE CORE!

    Lastly, showing a sense of humour, tolerance and acceptance in response to others who are questioning you with humour is a sign of a heart that hasn't been taken over by darkness..

  5. I hope Dr. Greer gives up on the idea of "exo-racism" because the words "racist" and "racism" are so overused, and such hot buttons, that the term "exo-racism" practically makes dialogue impossible. "Xenophobic" may be a better word if it is ever needed. Or, coin a new word if you are looking at something never described before.

  6. Any true religion can accommodate the fact of ETs, "all creatures great and small." Likewise, the presence of ETs should in no way imply the non-existence of a Supreme Being, or Consciousness, which advanced ET races recognize and great beings on Earth (ie saints) have experienced oneness with…

  7. Corruption runs so deep inALL agencies that the Cabal has infiltrated key top agencies in a way to pull off a False Flag alien attack of epic proportions. It will be deadly and many people will lose their lives. The very nature of this attack requires a huge loss of life to make it look real. NORAD or SPACE COMMAND are likely controlled by the Cabal to some extent as they were on 911 when the radar wad shut off. How could that happen if they were totally in charge? To think otherwise is to take a very serious risk of harm to one's self. How can the cabal expect to take over and control the entire world if the false attack is less than monumental and worse than anything in history? And they have the technology to do it.

  8. You truly have 2 be a bird-brain 2 look up in the sky, see all of those stars, understand that their are a series of planets around them and for them 2 not have life on them. We know these beings exist, if others dont want 2 acknowledge them, so be it… Will we have an alien visit ea. family 4 breakfast?

  9. Thank you Dr Salla

    Maybe Dr Greer has forgotten what some of these exterestrial visitors have done;


    Animal mutilation and abduction

    Destroying aircraft and killing pilots

    Invading people's homes

    Disrupting power

    Disabling military weapons and equipment

    Scaring the hell out of people

    The list goes on ….

  10. Gratitude Dr Salla for this thorough review which I really enjoyed very much. I could not agree more about what you shared regarding the importance of reevaluating our perception of what "hard evidence" should be. You made a very important point there. Great work, as always!

  11. Totally agree with you concerning Steven Greer, it's been a while now that his speech saying that there is no negative E.T. at all resonates so wrong for me and dangerous

  12. Thank you, Dr., Salla for all the great information compiled and explained in one video! Sometimes I can get lost looking for information I'm interested in! You have a way about you that engrosses me to learn and really listen to what you are saying with no confusion or mumbo jumbo! Thank you for simple concise knowledge that I can understand! You are my hero! Hugs from central Louisiana!


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