Through a Scottish Prism – 28th May 2023

Roddy is joined by Yvonne, Eva and Phil for a slightly longer edition of this weeks news round

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19 thoughts on “Through a Scottish Prism – 28th May 2023”

  1. Another good one, thank you. As for the unionists? Many are ill, they have a severe dose of Stockholm Syndrome. If they were kept in a secure hospital, until cured. Hospitalization may turn them into fine people.

  2. Thanks all. Hopefully we will have candidates who are willing to stand up and fight in every constituency. Not carpet-baggers that appeared to ride on SNP coat tails since referendum.

  3. As a proud Englishman I am totally in favour of Scottish independence. The sooner the better. My taxes are better spent in my my own Country…. your own SNP has shown what happens to my hard earned taxes when they get to the hands of Scottish leaders.

  4. Thanks folks for another great podcast, we had passion through great topical discussion, I cannot stop Laughing at Yvonne when she's gaun radge ! Nailed the greens wae her "Zombies on crack" comment, she's giving Phil a run for his money🤣

  5. Great point Eva. Better Together managed to unite despite their political differences (at least at that time 😂) so I'm bloody sure the SNP, ALBA and other parties can take their lead from the people for indy and Unite

  6. As ever a great show- thank you all. PB hits the mark with snp ' they R outside indy group, by choice of 'their' self appointed bods. Until & unless that truly reverts to member led they cease to exist in my 'indy/YES' movement.
    There remains as you lovely comentators show a breadth of ideas, determination & WILL to TAKE/RECLAIM Scotland. We WILL prevail.
    Meantime I will keep a weather eye on snp but Hoe the indy path of ALBA & AS strategy with support of ALL yes groups (incl snp members and a couple of elected bods eg AR, JC, DC, MF et al.
    Thanks chaps n chapesses x

  7. The SNP have become part of the establishment. They’re a disgrace and we should be rid of them.
    FU.K the establishment, I’m voting Alba


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