This New Discovery on the Edge of Antarctica Scares Scientists

20 Scariest Things Found In Antarctica. Antarctica’s plain white ice can be both awe-inspiring and haunting. It’s where courageous explorers have encountered some of the most terrifying phenomena on the planet and some of the harshest of climates. From mysterious ancient antiquities to strange animals living beneath the ice, this frozen continent harbors many terrible secrets that will give you goosebumps. Join us, as we explore the twenty scariest things found in Antarctica including zombie viruses, blood falls and a haunting presence.

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This New Discovery on the Edge of Antarctica Scares Scientists

New Discoveries Under Antarctica’s Ice That Scares Scientists!

New Discovery on the Edge of Antarctica That Scares Scientists #2


25 thoughts on “This New Discovery on the Edge of Antarctica Scares Scientists”

  1. that climate change talk is pathetic !! ( it a normal thing that occurs !!!!!) and a other thing is ! that we the almighty human can not change that !, it will happen ! if we want or not !!!! like it happened many times before there where humans !!!!

  2. Rising sea levels, hmm, our family has had property off the Atlantic Ocean for 127 years, the high tide line chipped into the rocks over 100 years ago show zero advance in all these years. Someone is lying to us.

  3. NASA discovers Impenetrable barrier above earth/?/ & Vril Technology/?/ & Electrogravitics/?/ & Magnetohydrodynamic Drive/?/ & Military Industrial Complex withholds Zero Point/Free Energy Technology/?/ & Scientists discover how to make electricity from thin air/?/ – duck duck go!

  4. USAF admit/Tic-Tac UFO is ours/?/ & Dr. Steven Greer/The Lost Century/The Disclosure Project/2023/?/ & U.S./Government/Military/underground/tunnel wars/D.U.M.B.s/human/Child Sex Trafficking/?/ & Ancient underground tunnels/Hollow Earth/?/ & Cities of Giants/Inner/Hollow Earth/?/ & Petrification of human flesh/meat/animals/?/ & Pink salt/crystals/petrified flesh/meat/giants/titans/?/ – duck duck go!

  5. U.S./Government/Military/Trying to break through the dome/firmament/electromagnetic/plasma/frequency forcefield/?/ & NASA doc's prove flat/stationary/non-rotating earth/?/ & Flat Earth/Sun/Moon/Zodiac Clock/?/ & Electric/Plasma Moon/Realm/Universe/?/ & Plasma Moon/Infinite plane/Flat Earth Reflection/World Map/?/ & The Nos Confunden Map/?/ – duck duck go!

  6. We live in/Earth is a Terrarium/Biodome/Biosphere/?/ & Reterraforming earth/geoengineering/EMF'S/weather weapons/Warfare/?/ & Stars/sound/frequency/vibration/cymatics/images/?/ & Cathedrals/Churches/windows/designs/sound/frequency/vibration/cymatics/health/healing technology/?/ & Stuctured water/health benefits/healing/?/ – duck duck go!

  7. Of the 20 "Scariest things found" I stopped counting
    how many times he said "Climate change" somewhere
    around 25.
    They did slip the old buzz words "global warming"
    in there a few times too.

  8. Let say Ice melt is real. The real truth is all you hear is water rising. Yes but?. The ice carries weight trillions of tons of weight pressing the land under the ice and at sea downwards. So the ice melts, what do you think the response of the compressed land will do?. Nothing? or … spring upwards?. Think of your foot pressing down on a ball. Simple mechanic's really. Now think of the Earth tectonic plates, here lays the real problem, Untold pressure on these plates is massive. Cause and effect will be coming your way. Listening to a British radio station today some expert stated that telling the truth will cause panic which is you. I am saying Volcanoes tsunamis worlds land masses sinking rising. Just the ring of fire in the pacific is enough to change life on this planet. You life style as you would once knew would be no more. Food water?. Where will you find food or uncontaminated water. This is the real truth They do not want you to know. Quest is how will you survive, if you even do survive the Earths temper and revenge. I do not know just what will happen, And I really hope it does not … but …?. Start asking these scientist's the real questions, not just Ice melts, sea level rise.


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