This Mister Negative Deck is DISGUSTINGLY STRONG!

Mister Negative is firmly back on the menu with the lack of Leech on the ladder. Iron Man is still just the absolute man to farm 8 cube victories. I believe this to be the best deck for Mister Negative.


# (1) Bast
# (2) Psylocke
# (2) Zabu
# (3) Ironheart
# (3) Mystique
# (3) Wolfsbane
# (4) Mister Negative
# (4) Wong
# (5) Iron Man
# (5) Kang
# (5) White Tiger
# (5) Magik
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Kang is NOT needed & can be swapped for Darkhawk, Shuri or any card with low power & high cost e.g. Blue Marvel.

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17 thoughts on “This Mister Negative Deck is DISGUSTINGLY STRONG!”

  1. I made this deck myself just last week!
    But somehow got discouraged after some losses and especially the special location that just messes up turn 5 entirely. Maybe need to give it another shot now that that is over 🙂

  2. I had to stop playing negative once I got to 80 … too many retreats. I was only getting negative played on turn 3 20% of the time and even then the locations sucked.

  3. speci, i love you, but i'm scared out of my mind. i've been playing the re4 remake and the verdugo boss fight still gives me the chills (pun intended, because you have to freeze the thing to shoot it), the same way it did when i was a teen first playing this game. you can't look up ashley's skirt anymore though.

  4. I reached infinite with mr negative this season with a budget version. It was a little more inconsistent but the 8 cube wins with a mr negative deck are just too good to pass on.

  5. I watched your tournament video 3000$ that was insane play , I do need help deck man. I have lockjaw but no thor , I have wong but no mystique, I have knull but no galactus or green goblin , no Sera but I have psylock I have mr negative tho and magik but no zabu

  6. This deck is close to my negative deck, I don't have a bast but I do play sunspot cuz occasionally you end up passing the early turns. I play odin in mine which is unplayable if u draw negative but it gives you the ability to have a wild surprise play and opens up the potential to wong, mystique, ironheart, odin, which has won me many 8 cubes. It also allows you to have a gameplan if u don't draw mister negative which is cool.


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