‘This is why Scottish people get SICK of the likes of you!’ Chris Sutton SLAMS Ian Ladyman | IAKO

Chris Sutton was not impressed by Ian Ladyman’s ‘poverty’ assessment of the SPFL as it really does kick off! Ian has been under a lot of scrutiny following his column on Scottish football, Chris isn’t happy and thinks Ian is ‘having a pop’ at Celtic!

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48 thoughts on “‘This is why Scottish people get SICK of the likes of you!’ Chris Sutton SLAMS Ian Ladyman | IAKO”

  1. The Premier League in England is just a millionaires' playground, a league which entices every money grabbing footballer from all over the World, whose only goal is to amass as much money as they can. The days of club loyalty is a long gone. Comparing the EPL and SPFL is nonsensical; the disparity in club revenue is huge. As Chris rightly pointed out, Man Utd spent over £400m on players and yet couldn't defeat Copengagen away from home. If Celtic and Rangers were ever invited to play in the rich league down south, and accrue the income of those clubs, then they would soon eclipse most teams in that league – and that is a distinct probability.

  2. The irony here is that Chris has played in Scotland and the journalist is actually talking more sense than him. The majority of people in Scotland watch the Old Firm, hence why they get more money from TV rights. Brendan Rodgers can't do anything more with Celtic than he already has done. It's a valid opinion and it's not patronising. If he's came back over sentimentality or to do the same thing again but better, fair enough. But as the Ian rightly points out, they are big fish in a small pond and the Champions League is an ocean they will not come close to conquering.

  3. People love putting down Scottish football but if you accept CELTIC and rangers into England for example and they are given the money both clubs will flourish the main problem with be the fans of every team and the trouble which will happen

  4. The constant bashing for 20 years from clowns like this have left us with a pathetic TV deal. Sky Bt (or whoever they are now) should be getting chased from Scotland in all their forms

  5. I think Chris picked the wrong argument here to be honest. The article was questioning Brendan Rodgers' ambition for going back to Celtic. My counter question to that would be, where else could Rodgers have gone, and what would qualify as a success? Liverpool, Man City and Arsenal seem reasonably settled with their managers. The other teams that are in the hunt, Man Utd, Spurs etc, dont really have a realistic chance of winning the league. They spend fortunes and change managers every other year. I think the only options Rodgers would have had would be to go to another Leceister situation. An ambitious mid-table team who could maybe get a top 6 finish, and that would be a success, is that anything to get excited about? Or he goes to Celtic who like to develop young players, which is something Rodgers enjoys. He is going to be winning trophies, backed by an incredible support, there is one of the best rivalries in world football that generates a lot of excitement and passion, and finally, even though recent UCL results haven't been the best, both Glasgow clubs have shown that they can perform and compete well in Europe. I think that is the one area where Rodgers really wants to make his mark over the next few seasons.

  6. Bang on Chris. If celtic and rangers left scottish football its not as if every other team would fold, as he said it is the best supported league (per capita) in Europe. All that would change is that it would be more competitive and in theory be a more interesting league than it is now.

  7. Ian …..when was the last time an English Manager won the Prem title or European trophy?…Sad reading….the "poverty" of English Football Managers….. Chris well done for showing the hack up!!

  8. "The best supported league" is one way to interpret the data. Another is to say that there are too many teams proportionate to the population. Our third biggest club is arguably Aberdeen, who struggle to fill their stadium at home most weeks. It does frustrate me the arrogance towards Scottish football from the super rich english league, but lets not pretend there's not a self-serving element to Sutton trying to protect his own reputation given much of his success came up here, as opposed to some anti-elitist evangelism.

  9. Chris Sutton the melt. Get off our screens man, what does Sutton do? Nothing but moan and complain, when killie beat Celtic he was calling killie cheaters 😂😂😂 he’s a melt and a waste of space to be a pundit. Ally and Kenny wipe the floor with this man over and over again. He’s a melt.

  10. The Big problem isn`t the football its the politics , WHO issues out broadcasting Licenses , Belfast ? Cardiff ? Clachnacuddin ? and who is the " SOLE " BENEFICIARY of this , Shockafuckingrooney its the poor impoverished F.A while the rest of Britain get SWEET F.A.

  11. Listen this needs highlighting as it translates to boxing too. When Josh Taylor fought Jack Catterall while let’s be honest was a close fight and Josh probably was lucky to get the nod. The Scathing English journalists gutted there man got beat especially within a hostile Scottish crowd. I mean Adam Booth should’ve and still should’ve been sacked for his screaming unprofessional behaviour narrowly avoided calling it a fix was downright disgusting. Please watch the fight in silence you’ll realise how close it was. The anti Scottish sentiment of these gutted bad losers all journalists had that night was downright pathetic. The seriousness of this created a hate campaign against Josh who didn’t referee the fight so done nothing wrong culminated not only him receiving death threats but calls at his home to his wife threatening her and her family.

  12. Chris this guy has already made up his mind to stick to his guns before hand rather give you the respect you deserve and take the opportunity to learn and understand why he upset so many people. Anti Scottish sentiment is always bubbling under the surface with English journalism as long as I can remember going back to the early seventies.

  13. Scots dont care what the english think about our league anymore than what we think the welsh or dutch. Amazing this journalist think his opinion matters a jot to us..like hes blessing us with attention haha

  14. I don't understand why there's no investment in Scottish football. Outside Celtic and The Rangers you've got clubs with great potential like Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United. Imagine if those 4 got proper owners with cash to spend


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