This Is How Extinction Happens in the World of Birds

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21 thoughts on “This Is How Extinction Happens in the World of Birds”

  1. Unlike monkeys and sloths, they have nothing to grip branches with
    ME: OFC!!! you're so fucking right! WHAT NEXT?!
    Next panel: shows crocodiles and alligators on top of some big ass climbable hill like trees that dont require branches
    ME: BRUH…

  2. I live in South suburban Chicago and just three weeks ago 4 o’clock in the morning after I came back from work I remembered that I left my wallet in the car and I found a coyote sleeping under my car I guess he wanted to stay warm because you know Chicago and it’s cold weather and actually I had to change my pants after that😅😅

  3. I live in South suburban Chicago and just three weeks ago 4 o’clock in the morning after I came back from work I remembered that I left my wallet in the car and I found a coyote sleeping under my car I guess he wanted to stay warm because you know Chicago and it’s cold weather and actually I had to change my pants after that😅😅

  4. Maybe climbing trees also helps them steal Leopard kills since leopards hide their kills in trees and Lions always noticed it and even tried following them so they prob payed attention and learned how to do it.

  5. The lion thing is interesting. Based on our current understanding of evolution in about 5 more generations the lion population should have different claws or joints. Survival of the fittest concept says that if it helps them survive better then they will pick mates with certain traits. So ergo the lions will pick mates that have claws that can climb down the trees better or joints that don't get as badly damaged when they land making it easier for them to survive or not get hurt when climbing trees. They were already amazing predators this might even make them better. Scary thought actually.


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