Rise – The End of the World Pt. 2: The Day of The Lord

What should we think about the end of the world? This week, Pastor Ben picks up where he left off two weeks ago and looks at Paul’s encouragement for the church regarding the end times, and gives us a perspective-changing message about how it should impact our lives.

Key Verses // 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Pastor Ben Stuart and Passion City Church.

Do you feel frustrated by a pattern of personal failures, overwhelmed by a chaotic culture, or disillusioned by a lack of meaning in everyday life? Your struggles do not mean you’re doomed. They’re actually a sign that you are alive. Now it’s a question of whether you will struggle well.

Pastor Ben’s new book, Rest & War, is a field guide designed to equip you to walk elegantly through the battlefield of life.

Rest & War is out now, order your copy today!


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Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.
More info on Passion: https://passioncitychurch.com


5 thoughts on “Rise – The End of the World Pt. 2: The Day of The Lord”

  1. Ben, I have been listening and growing from your sermons since Breakaway in 2014. Last month I really started digging into Revelation. I tried my hardest to look back at old recorded sermons of yours and I couldn’t find anything talking about the Lords return in detail… I prayed that the Lord would bring me knowledge and wisdom about His return. For clarity in the chaos that is going on in the world. And then a few days after I prayed that The End of the World Pt 1 posted on YouTube. You have been the biggest leader of the Faith in my life. Just so you know, one thing that I know for certain (which there aren’t too many); the Lord placed you on this Earth to change hearts and to change lives. One of those hearts and lives that Christ intended for you to help change forever was mine. Me, a perfect stranger to you; my eternity forever changed by your Love for the Lord. Thank you for this message Ben. Thank you Breakaway. Thank you A&M. Thank you Lord.


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