This is Bizarre…Hundreds of Miles of Meticulously Carved Ancient Tunnels Beneath Mexico

A vast hidden subterranean realm exists deep beneath the Mexican landscape. Who constructed these underground labyrinths, and what secrets do they hold? Were they built for practical reasons, or do they have a more mystical significance? Various theories and legends surrounding these tunnels, from ancient myths to modern-day archaeological discoveries, but as of now, no one has been able to explain them satisfactorily.


18 thoughts on “This is Bizarre…Hundreds of Miles of Meticulously Carved Ancient Tunnels Beneath Mexico”

  1. I just uncovered ten ton blue jade feathered serpents and several hundred smaller ones in the middle of Michigan. I have one of the smaller ones with me making a trip around the nation sharing the head with universities tribes and museums who would like to view it . This is less than a month old find in Hastings region . I have weeks of footage on my channel and offer info about the dig . This excitation has just begun .

  2. Wonderful video. Is it really a puzzle? There isn’t anything on earth that is like the metal particles they found that has made these perfectly sized tunnels. The slabs that were perfectly slide into place. Too heavy for humans. People know what made them, just like the stone that’s can’t touch the ground. As soon as they know or find the truth, it’s hidden.

  3. The time lines on construction . A lot of work in a short time of completion . Must of had a work force of millions of stone masons . Not to mention the hod carriers , to remove the debris. Where was this dumped ?

  4. Is it a narrative? Is it poetry? Whatever it was intended to be, it reminds me of a Christmas fruitcake. There are so many items packed into it that I cannot tell what might have been intended at the outset. The libretto is so packed with gratuitous pedanticism that discerning what is here, what its salient points may be, is nearly impossible for me. If the speaker wasn't making every sentence a quest for prosaic immortality, perhaps I would understand what he was actually talking about.


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