Survivor 45 Premiere Breakdown and Potential Winner Analysis

It’s finally happening, we have a hot mess of a Survivor season on our hands. Bad players, a real villain, and a whole lot of drama. Listen in as Mary and Wesley discuss it all!

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00:00 – Breakdown
07:00 – New Podcast Platforms
08:40 – Breakdown
45:33 – Make Your Picks Sponsorship
47:49 – Breakdown
01:11:20 – Between Two Cities Board Game
01:12:55 – What’s New on Patreon?
01:14:26 – Trivia Question of the Week
01:18:35 – Winner Analysis
01:29:30 – Your Questions


43 thoughts on “Survivor 45 Premiere Breakdown and Potential Winner Analysis”

  1. That Lulu tribe is absolutely horrible. However decides who gets on the show needs to stop just filling diversity check marks and get people who actually want to play.

  2. I don't like Emily much, but she's my current winner pick after this episode. I feel like the edit is giving me almost Gabler edit vibes but Chaos Kass edition. Jeff also said Emily is one of his favourites in an article I've read, which makes me think she at the very least lasts a while to become a favourite. Edit: Plus the mat theory would be right yet again lol

    Also I'm hoping Bruce makes it to the merge, I'm feeling he either just misses it or is an early merge boot. He just feels like middle material lol

  3. I think I like where survivor is going (for the most part) this premier I have the most optimism for than 41,42,43,44. But I have to say, I feel like most of the players have too similar personalities. I hate to say it but it is starting to feel disingenuous to see them all act the same season after season. Too much “happy to be here” and “here for the vibes” kind of stuff

  4. My winner picks early are .
    Bruce . Jake. Brandon for the boys.
    The girls picks. Are Emily and sabiyah .
    My winners pick early on . Jake might be the underdog middle of the pack group of players well see what happens next .

    Plus no injuries this season yet good start

  5. Wasn't Osten (from Pearl Islands) also verbally voted out as a quit in essentially the same way as Hannah?
    Survivor Winners who came from what I'd consider disaster tribes: JT, Natalie White, Denise, Nick, Chris Underwood. (There are also a couple of people who started on disaster tribes but swapped out).

  6. I canno't help my self ,but i would say this was one of the most boring ep 1 i have ever seen. Jeff is just nice guy never saying something bad (= boring). The only diversity of the cast is their race.

  7. I really wish they hadnt had a mat chat winner so many times in a row. It really takes all the fun out of the winner analysis when that's your total basis for predicting who wins.

  8. Waiitttt what if we don’t want you to tone down the mat chat? I tuned in to this podcast because I was having a tough time figuring out who got “mat chat” and wanted to hear your thoughts! And was wondering your thoughts on if marooning vs being already on the island affects mat chat? Or will it be the same?

    Also: I was so excited to hear from Mary! Your guys photos in the beginning were so cute. You guys remind me that there’s someone out there who will analyze survivor with me!

    Also- Austin is definitely the Jonathan! He’s buff and tall and hot!

  9. It's unfortunate Hannah was allowed to get voted out. First she should not have been given that since she quit, and second cause if she didnt Emily was probably gone and she is incredibly annoying. Would've loved to see her gone first.

  10. I love and appreciate your work so much… just one thought… maybe we move away from shaming men who have the audacity to express emotion or vulnerability??? I’d much rather see tears than the whole “boys don’t cry” mentality.

  11. Bruce gives me Russell from Phillipines vibes! 😂 He doesn’t want to be perceived as the leader but he literally cannot help himself. I’m afraid it will become his downfall. He’d be better off if he stopped trying to control how people are perceiving him and just owned up to his naturally leader-like personality and tendencies.

  12. Emily is Chaos Kass
    Bruce is Russell Swan
    Drew is a Spencer impersonator
    Sifu is a Tony wannabe
    Austin is Woo

    It’s like casting wanted to recreate Cagayan and add Russell Swan to the mix. Lol. I’m sure there are more parallels but I won’t see them until I get to know people a bit better.

  13. Some thoughts:

    -We got a lot of what we were asking for in terms of less advantages and more camp life… BUT what is lacking is the cast.
    -the girl alliance on the blue tribe (Kellie, Katurah, and Kendra) have icon potential. Kellie is my winner pick.
    -guessing that blue will dominate the pre-season challenges and lulu will consistently fail. I predict a winner will come from the blue tribe, similar vibes to 41
    -I don’t hate Emily as much as so many people seem to do on twitter. I think she’s good entertainment even if she’s a bad player. I also think calling her racist is a bit of a stretch… she didn’t necessarily need to public ally call out Bruce in the beginning but was she wrong at the end of the day ???? Also, while I’m rooting for Kaleb and Sabiyah, we see people trying to break up early pairs all the time in Survivor.

  14. I’m with Mary on the Kaleb train. I think having Emily target him first episode is setting him up as someone to watch for & if we’re getting an Ua repeat from Lulu he could come out swinging like an underdog.

  15. anyone who decides to give up nicotine right before survivor: Zane on Matsing, Shane on Casaya, and now Hannah on Lulu. just why even show up? (although Zane and Shane were good entertainment)…..

  16. All Bruce had to say at the beginning is “I DO have an advantage in this game, but only for the first day, I know where to start and the basic tricks that they don’t teach you, but tomorrow, I’m just as new as you guys” then back off after day 1. SIMPLE fix, but no. I’m also getting Gabler vibes from Bruce

  17. I think my biggest problem with the quit is she got a decent edit. Like it was full of "I love you" and Jeff was nice and even gave her the "your tribe has spoken". Brandon and emily are getting absolutely wrecked in the edit, but Hannah is being portrayed as a self aware, loving, and good person


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