This Fox Was Just About To Eat a Cat, But Then The Most Surprising Thing Happened

There are things that animals do that we expect. Dogs fetch sticks. Cats crawl into boxes. Snakes manipulate you into apples that you shouldn’t. But sometimes? Animals thrown a curveball! These are 20 animals who did things and surprised everyone!

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13 thoughts on “This Fox Was Just About To Eat a Cat, But Then The Most Surprising Thing Happened”

  1. I never knew crows were very intelligent until a couple of years ago. They hang around behind the property and watch me. Wondering if they’re planning something 🤔

  2. Actually about tortoise hunting scientists have recently been thinking that it's not so odd they have witnessed them hunting and preying on things we didn't know were part of their diet recently like trapped frogs stranded baby birds that had fallen from their nests it turns out if its slow enough for them to catch they will eat it we just never witnessed them engaging in this behavior until recently only had seen them eating veggies and small slow bugs

  3. White cat is grooming his chest and without knowing that it appears to be doing sit-ups yes….I love these animal videos! They always cheer me up! And the mother deer protecting her baby? Amazing! Made my heart feel proud… that's courage and unconditional love 💕!

  4. Because one fox doesn't eat the cat, doesn't mean that the next cat the fox sees it won't eat.
    In other words, just because one person doesn't kill you, doesn't mean you should then trust people, especially when they are born into THE CULT.
    Joe Magnets

  5. Well this is amazing I grew up with lots of animals because, was my mother an animal lover. And can tell with out training they can do lots of stuff you never tough. For the crow I remember my mom tell me if the tip of there tongue get trimmed they can speak better than a parrot, and also I knew they learn tricks to steal food from farmers very easily well like foxes do as well. This is one of the best videos

  6. I know it's nature but I don't want to see videos like the mother deer sacrificing her life to save her fawn. The rest of your video was interesting & entertaining. Seeing such a sad scene hurts my heart & spoiled it for me😢


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