This CRAFTABLE Greatsword is INSANE – New World Ironman: Ep. 047

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15 thoughts on “This CRAFTABLE Greatsword is INSANE – New World Ironman: Ep. 047”

  1. only hatchet ive found to out dps flint at gen is bonechopper cuz rouge. took my 11 hours to farm bonechopper tho full luck gear flagged. i feel thats where luck gear is gonna help the most as it helps with named drops from monsters more then anything else.

  2. another great vid, just a small tip.. you might wanna increase your pov to 120 and remove the shaking when hitting. That hurts the eyes 😛 just my opinion obv its your choice but yeh.

  3. you actually dont want fortifying sacred ground on your life staff because if you swap to another weapon the fortify buff goes away so you want it on your gear. refreshing divine or mending protection are the best on life staff

  4. How viable do you think the game is as an iron? Is getting competitive gear an issue without access to TP? I don't mind a grind, I play an iron in osrs, but I don't want to be farming 500x of a greatsword to get the right roll or something.


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