This Bow Build Is INSANE – Bow / Rapier Guide | New World

This is the build I’m going to be rolling on official launch. Remember that the build can be altered to your play-style, just change a few things around according to how you play.

I don’t claim this to be the BEST bow/rapier build out there, just one that I find very enjoyable.


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27 thoughts on “This Bow Build Is INSANE – Bow / Rapier Guide | New World”

  1. In reference to the headshots being impossible kind of thing obviously I know you were saying in the context of a live fight probably not 1v1 but in a 1v1 scenario if you repostle somebody with rapier you can backwards roll to try to create distance to get that 10 m bonus and do a heavy aim shot at their head because they're stunned until you deal damage or two seconds whichever comes first that's a good way to blow someone up.

  2. Just a heads up. Others have been saying that the "20% longer debuffs" doesn't work on poison shot, because it seems max debuff duration is 20 seconds, and poison shot base duration is already 20s.

  3. Do DOT (poison, fire) count as a debuff? Plus, I have noticed there are no light legendary armors, do you think the game is trying to force full dex players go for a medium paladin build?

  4. Evade has immunity frames on a more often then not less than 6sec cd pair with riposte which if I’m not mistaken gives you immunity frame on successful hit and a 2sec sleep (I know they call it a stun but damage breaks it; it is a sleep)and the mobility and possible 80% cd reduction of fleche, now combine all of that w/ fat bow damage/staggers and mobility you are one slippery heavy hitting boi.
    Edit: also tired off trying to finish downed opponents mid skirmish: fleche is primo

  5. Nice video, I do want to run a very similar build to yours, but want the haste perks in the Skirmisher tree. Do you understand the first passive of Penetrating Shot? I don't think, it gives you 10% more damage after every hit with a NORMAL shot (up to 50%). So I am wondering, if this is really worth it. Also I doubt hitting a lot of targets with penetrating shot 20m away, as it is more a staggering thing to use mid or close range.

  6. I've tried that full right side Rapier tree for PvP and Riposte/Evade are not that good if you're trying to play a primarily ranged set up. I much more prefer Tondo/Flourish and Finish/Fletche. Tondo has very good range on it, and you can work on just stacking the bleed at a distance for a good Flourish and Finish hit. Flourish and Finish is a highly underrated mobility ability, most people just consider it a bleed consumer. It is a fantastic escape especially when paired with Fletche from the other side. I highly consider you try this out, if you just want mobility then replace Tondo with Evade, but I do not like evade personally as the distance is so minimal for the animation lock it puts you in.

  7. Do me a favor and check if "Battle Precision" has any effect on "Poison shot" as I think it's capped at 20seconds from the start. If not that's a wasted point. Also would be nice to know if the damage increase from "Mark" is triggered from DOTS like poison or bleeds from rapier. Does DOT = DEBUFF?

  8. I dont really like your build choice, gotta admit that.
    Wanna discuss with a real bow pro, who outdamaged anyone in pve and pvp on my server in beta? Maybe we can finetune our builds to maximize bows general power.
    I really like to go full damage and full Hunter tree to get an advantage over other players, since a range weapon which should be "safer" in the backranks should be able to just pure DPS the entire time. If you get stuck in melee combat youre not using bows full potential in small and big pvp and pve engagements.
    The thing I really dont like is evade shot, because it does absolutely nothing besides pushing you back 2 meters, which wont matter for a range enemy or something like hatchet, also there is like 0 damage on it which makes it unfortunately suck double. passives in skirmisher tree are quite good and I use some of them myself but I think by going skirmisher you restrict the entire playstyle a bow rely heavily on.


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