Thinking You Can Beat a Whole Country in One Day But Getting Your Teeth Kicked-In

On the morning of May 10, 1940, the population of the Netherlands suddenly woke up to the roars of about a hundred aircraft. It was the cacophony of war.

The Germans had invaded the country and were now bombing airfields to destroy the Dutch air forces.

As the attacks began, the Dutch military personnel witnessed something they had never seen before. Hundreds of paratroopers were pouring from their transport aircraft and airdropping from the sky.

Little did they know that the Germans were carrying out a secret operation to capture the Queen and her government, forcing the country into submission…

– As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Docs sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect. I do my best to keep it as visually accurate as possible. All content on Dark Docs is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas. –


41 thoughts on “Thinking You Can Beat a Whole Country in One Day But Getting Your Teeth Kicked-In”

  1. The Dutch surrendered before Rotterdam was bombed but no one could communicate that with the bombers to stop the bombing… Rotterdam was destroyed for no bloody reason, not they Goering every needed a reason to destroy anything.

  2. My grandfather became a prisoner of the Germans while defending Rotterdam. He never spoke ill of them – while a captive he said he was treated fairly. He was ultimately liberated by the Red army but was then sent to Siberia and forced to work. His opinion of his captors there was an entirely different matter.

  3. I put the jam on a biscuit with ham and jam fam damn BAM. Emeril Lagasse with a posse you got me? Will I stop I might like a bug bite for 2 nights, and days stinging rhymes like Rays. Dropping bombs like Mays. You heard bish I’m fly like birds gotta perm and my hair like worms. I think I’m done, oh but one more run. Like a turd when it’s wet and it’s not much fun.

  4. I realize it's tough to use authentic material, but showing US paratroopers and aircraft during a 1940 Dutch theater isn't cool. Try to limit using the wrong equipment during a good video will help with the "Likes". I enjoy your videos, but lately have noticed more wrong equipment in them. Just a heads up that someone has noticed.

  5. . Yes indeed US and collective West thought they can defeated Taliban mujahedin fighters in one day but after 20 years thousands of US soldiers killd trillion dollars lost Taliban fighters are back in town with AK-47 and RPG. ALHAMDULILA.

  6. I'm dutch. My grandmother's family was Jewish and where all deported to Auschwitz (except her and her brother) my grandfather was involved with the resistance and after a shooting had to go into hiding. When the liberation came, both went out of their hiding place to celebrate in the street (the Hague), that's when and where they met and fell in love.

    Thanks for giving attention to the German invasion of the Netherlands.

  7. Winston Churchill was NOT Prime Minister is January of 1940, so he couldn’t have made a speech as such. I believe he did address Parliament then, but with the Government of Then Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain still calling the shots, Churchill’s speech in the Commons might not have received as much notice by the Dutch and the Belgians.

  8. Something to note: There weren't many armoured cars around at the time. So when Princess Juliana and her family were to be evacuated from The Hague to Rotterdam (where a Royal Navy Destroyer was waiting to pick them up), they were taken there in an armoured van of the Nederlandsche Bank. The van was driven over from Amsterdam, to the Hague and then took the family to the harbour in Rotterdam.
    Quite a trip with the Luftwaffe and German paras all around and the country falling under the German war machine! The van is in a museum nowadays (it's not that big or impressive!)

  9. As usual, your content is masterful and crammed with interesting arcana. Bravo. It comes down to this fundament, doesn't it? Regional takeover is an easy tactical problem if you have more troops, wealth, etc.; occupation and political control is infinitely more expensive, error-prone and complex. The big problem with tyrants (and other civilian politicians amateurs at war) is they confound the two, and expect success at the former guarantees the latter.

  10. I knew nothing of this operation. Thanks for the free crash-course. BTW, ignore the trolling nit-pickers … I wonder what they were doing while you spent the time to produce this video… nothing helpful or productive, I suspect. I hope it makes you good money.

  11. It's nearly impossible for any semi organized nation-state to be conquered in a single day. Even if the only way said nation can fight is through guerrilla warfare, I think the invasions of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and others (by a myriad of nations) demonstrates that pretty conclusively.


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