"They Tarnished Cricket FOREVER!" Sir Geoffrey Boycott On Australia's Controversial Win

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by former England cricketer Sir Geoffrey Boycott, Conservative peer Lord Marland, Australian cricket commentator Melinda Farrell and Associate Editor of the Daily Mirror Kevin Maguire to discuss Australia’s controversial win against England in the Ashes Test match after wicket-keeper Alex Carey stumped out Jonny Bairstow after the batsman thought play was dead.

Piers suggests that he believes the blame lies with the captain Pat Cummins for not getting the decision overturned. Boycott agrees and believes that it is disappointing to see the captain not request for it to be reversed but finds it equally disappointing that he has not come out and apologised.

Sir Geoffrey Boycott also adds that this has tarnished the game of cricket and believes that things like this will turn the game into gamesmanship and trying to find loopholes and advantages over the other team which is not what cricket is about.

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30 thoughts on “"They Tarnished Cricket FOREVER!" Sir Geoffrey Boycott On Australia's Controversial Win”

  1. I understand that it’s actually within the rules of the game, but when I played and a batsman had got into the habit of walking down the pitch as I ran into bowl I would always offer him a warning. I didn’t have to do it but just accepted that it was a part and parcel of being within the spirit of the game. I never had to actually do anything once I had mentioned it to the batsman.

  2. I do love Boycott's historical perspective, and when he talks about cricket he is magnificent.
    This whole non-controversy was embarrassing. The England camp did the right thing by downplaying it in the days after and the run up to the Headingly test. Bairstow only has himself to blame

  3. What a complete load of dribble coming out of the mouth of this Morgan fool. All this 'spirit' of cricket' crap is clearly just a smokescreen for the inadequacies of the English batsmen, save for the valiant efforts of Ben Stokes. Bairstow was OUT, nothing less.

  4. They’re Aussies, put ‘em under pressure and they show what they are, trashy dudes that don’t read books! Good God, they’ve only just got over the ball-tampering (culprits still in the team!) and the moment they get a bit of pressure they start pulling stunts like Bairstow, who they still dislike since the old bar-room brawl a few years back. They know full well it’s tedious to insist the umpire says ‘ball is dead’ after each delivery so in a unique game played over 5 days there are many unwritten laws to keep things moving. What I don’t understand is why they decided to pull a stunt when they did, game was easily winnable for them without doing that. Now, they can’t bend rules again and England carry that in their locker for when they need it. The Bairstow stunt swung the game maybe 10% Australia’s way but that they even resorted to it tells me they aren’t 100% confident in themselves. 2-0 up in series but it will all change IF England can chase down this total. If they can’t of course it’s game over and the Aussie gamble has paid off. But if Aussies lose this game…

  5. You lost, move on England. Play hard, leave it all on the field, shake hands and have a beer together – that’s what it’s about, none of this ‘spirit of the rules’ tosh.

  6. It's a different situation…James ……. obviously u r not ..a English cricket fan..or maybe just a spoiler ?? ….in short it was a level game …and Aussie were not playing in the spirit of the game …they for me wanted to win ..at any cost…it strikes of a bit of fear in my eyes . England will get a win and make it 2 .1…then it's game on …Cricket fan… Melanie 33 ❤

  7. I gotta laugh…. Both countries have done exactly what you'd EXPECT of them…

    Australia – Use any and every means possible to achieve an advantage no matter what the costs / consequences may be
    UK – Endlessly whinge and whine despite knowing all-too-well that the whinging and whining isn't going to change a thing

  8. If Bairstow had staggered out of the crease with his foot trailing, the keeper would have been in the right, but B simply walked out as if he was taking a stroll.
    The umps should have conferred with each other and the Oz captain on whether they wanted the result to stand.

  9. Should England captain have asked Inzimam back, when Steven Harmison got him out by throwing ball at him while he was inside the crease. He jumped to avoid the throw and was given out

  10. But underhand from the aussies? Absolutely. careless from bairstow? Absofuckinglutely! However if we mankad the aussies in the next tests I expect them to take it like they are telling us to take this

  11. What a pair of old whinging FLOG's. One was the most boring batsman to ever play the game, the other just a verbal bully who runs one-sided interviews against very weak subjects and has never played the game. Shut up you flogs.

  12. Was it Bancroft that broke the stumps? Was it Steve Smith that was the captain? How is this incident being looked at from the lens of the ball-tampering scandal? The only conceivable situation in which "Sandpaper Gate" could be brought into question is if the "captain" in question was Cameron Bancroft. Was it fair? Yes. Was it a great thing to do? Not really. Was it something Australia owed England because some other players tampered with the ball a couple of years ago? Absolutely not.

    Kevin Mcguire is spot on about some England supporters sounding like whining, whinging poms.

  13. Couldn’t listen beyond 6 minutes. Boycott selectively choosing the Bodyline series, that happened before he was born, to somehow support his argument over something happening 90 years later. Try going back further than that and research the behaviour of cricketers from the earliest eras and who were the perpetrators and who were the “victims”. Boycott has always held himself as some kind of holier than thou legend of the game. My memories of the popular opinion of him were that he was an extremely selfish and self absorbed cricketer who even went to the lengths of criticising his own teammates and giving his thoughts on their weaknesses and shortcomings to anyone willing to listen. The spirit of cricket is a loosely understood, unwritten rule book that has rarely been adhered to with any consistency throughout the entire history of the game. Australian’s are not interested in being lectured by the Empire on any subject, including cricket.
    And as for Piers, is there anyone more arrogant in the public media anywhere in the world? The bloke invites people on his show and within minutes he is interrupting mid sentence because he can’t wait to talk over and impose his opinions and objections.
    And the rubbish he is talking about when he says that a batsman scratching his crease somehow signifies the end of an over is a flat out lie. Batsman scratch the crease out of habit, it’s like an OCD kind of thing and it has never been acknowledged as meaning anything. The most important thing relating to this behaviour, which Piers in particular fails to understand, is that Jonny Bairstow and any other batsman, does not control any part of when the over is finished or the ball is dead. But the umpires and the fielding side’s actions do.

  14. Piers Morgan interrupting both pro-Australian panelists when he doesn't subscribe to their point to view is so annoying. Continuing in Sir Geoffrey's vein, it is like England being asked to concede the match they won in 1992 WC against SA (22 off 13 became 22 off 1 ball after rain interruption) just because although according to the rules it was not in the right spirit. Sledging too is not in the spirit of the game. What shall we do about that? Let's move on ….


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