The Great Ace Attorney 2 – Resolve [31]: Case 3 Finale

GAA2 Resolve Case 3 Finale – After passing on a possible win in favor of finding THE TRUTH, a few other cloaks come off of the proverbial busts of reality.

#gaa2 #resolve #case3



21 thoughts on “The Great Ace Attorney 2 – Resolve [31]: Case 3 Finale”

  1. I love everything about this case. The fun locations, Gina becoming an inspector, pretty much everything about Madame Tusspells, getting to learn about the Professor, Enoch Drebber being a fantastic villain, the twist that Sithe was both Drebber's accomplice and the actual killer, and the intrigue that comes with the reveal of the Professor's identity… I definitely think it's one of the best cases in the series 😀

  2. Across like 20 something playthroughs I've seen of this game, there were only two who could figure out the exact reasoning used at 16:43 first try, so definitely one of the most difficult contradictions we've seen. I also love the music used there, "Prelude to Pursuit" with all my heart. It does exactly what it's meant to do, bringing the tension up for being on the brink of breakthrough, never letting the momentum slide, it's just great.

  3. Spoilers:

    Probably one of my favorite moments of the series in general. While most would call it a spoiler in general it looks as though it would be Kazuma's ghost in a way. But I know for a fact that Kazuma is definitely alive. Thankfully for me I was not spoiled. But still this was one of the most powerful scene for me not just for the game alone but for the entire series.

    Btw, this was case 3, CASE 3. Though many case 3's starting from dual destinies have been pretty good.

    Also, the time will come when you face Kazuma, Tim.

  4. Speaking of 10 years ago, it was July 15, 2014 when you uploaded your first Ace Attorney video.

    Case 4!

    You've never LP's the first 3 cases! I think on the 10 year anniversary of that day you should do the first 3 cases. Would be lovely.

  5. Feeling bad for the killer DOES happen quite a bit in fiction. I felt for Keyes despite him killing The Zheng Fa President because he was on the lam for god knows how long against an impossible foe. Not every killer is fully black, several are simply ordinary people who were just forced to do something awful to protect their job or in the case of killers like Beh'leeb from Case 3, Justified self defense.
    So don't worry it's completely natural to feel for these morally grey killers. Why do you think Danganronpa is so popular?

  6. When I first heard the prelude to the objection theme my jaw dropped. It's so perfect for how Ryunosuke catches onto some small discrepancy and it makes the actual objection theme even more awesome while still being a great track on its own.
    Anyways, that's case 3. Overall it's a really fun mystery with fun characters, fun setpieces, fun worldbuilding worked in, and a fun twist to cap it off. The kind of scale this case is on is something you'd expect of a final case, but we've still got two more to cover. I don't know if you've recorded any of case 4 yet, but if not, prepare yourself. The game only gets wilder from here on out.

  7. 8:54 I still wonder whatever happened to her. We never see her after that case, and it bugs me. We see Emma plenty of times. (I know how much you love her, Tim.) But never her sister Lana.

    14:12 We both said, "And she's sticking to it." At the exact same time.

    17:48 Why do you record at such crazy hours? That is what screws with your sleep schedule.

  8. Ive been a fan for a long time since the banjo kazooie lets play. my favorite recent lets play youve done was the super mario rpg randomizer. i am so excited for the remake in novemeber! i hope you'll be able to lets play it. in the mean time i stumbled across a playthrough rom hack of super mario rpg called *Legend of the Seven Stars Armageddon*. i havent watched much of it yet but it seems to be a tougher version of the original. i thought with the buzz around the remake it might be worth considering doing a playthrough of it. either way i support you and cant wait for the remake in november.

  9. Man, this was such a good video, such a great finale to a case! Drebber seemed sympathetic enough, as did Sithe, and Kazuma's reappearance with him using Karuma like a badass (can't stress enough how glad I am to see attention to detail in his animations when using it!)… Brings back such nice memories of a simpler time when I first watched this game…

  10. Man, what Enoch Drebber and Courtney Sithe did to Odie Asman is like if in Phoenix Wright 1 Ace Attorney if one or two of Redd White's blackmail victims decided to kill him as revenge against him for blackmailing them and they decide to frame either Mia or Maya fey for it.

    The fact that Odie Asman was able to blackmail Courntey Sithe for 10 whole before she finally killed him and he also learned of the Professor coverup incident almost makes him like a late 19th century Redd White. Redd White got him beat by 5 more years and was only taken down by being blackmailed by Mia Fey's spirit in court rather than murder, but dang. It would sure be a lot different if Redd White was the victim in Turnabout Sisters and not the murderer and one or both of his Blackmail Victims were the murderers.

    This is one of the best cases of The Great Ace Attorney 2 that I have seen NintendoCaprisun do yet. I hope to see how he handles the next cases after this one.

  11. Very excited about Cases 4 and 5. There are so many things that I can't wait to a) re-experience and b) see your reaction to. It's an incredible finale from what I remember, and I'm really looking forward to it.


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