tHeSe GaMeS HaVe sO MuCh CoNtEnT! | What is Meaningful Content?

Try to get passed the meme and really take in the discussion portion of this video. We need to stop acting like time dumps are the same as actual game content.

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34 thoughts on “tHeSe GaMeS HaVe sO MuCh CoNtEnT! | What is Meaningful Content?”

  1. I really want a return to end game dungeons in Mon games. I'm not sure if Nexomon has them but places like Mt. Silver to take your final team as a last challenge to top off the adventure is always great in old RPGs.

  2. I mean what do you consider to be content? People paid 60 dollars for games that are less than 10 hours all the time, pokemon games at least run the 20-40 range depending on your playstyle, plus post game content, with the offer of competative battling with a huge player base. I think thats enough for a full priced game. Hell people pay 40-60 dollars for fighting games, that are literally just pvp.

  3. Wisdom From The Bible: 2“ How long will you say such things? Your words are a blustering wind. 3Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right? 4When your children sinned against him, he gave them over to the penalty of their sin. [Job]

  4. Before i say this, do note i like to take my time leveling up my creatures in mon games. In all honesty I feel like what Nexomon extinction is missing is battle focused content like a Battle Frontier (unless that was in the free expansion) or a colosseum mode in a similar vein to Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness

  5. A fantastic example of a game brimming with content is Black 2/White 2. During the campaign you can do Music Hall, easy difficulties of the Battle Subway, Grottos, Weekly stationary rare Pokemon and Building your Join Avenue. And then in the post game you have hard difficulties of the Battle Subway, loads of legendaries to catch with some kind of thing you have to do beforehand to make them battleable (like the Regi puzzle or chasing Latias/Latios around the Dream Yard), The White Tree/Black Towers, Rematching trainers like N and Colress, Exploring the rest of the region including additional post game areas like the Challengers Cave, Completing your Regional Dex which gives you access to a hidden island where you can catch a shiny Haxorus and, of course, the fucking Pokemon World Tournament.

    This is what people mean when they want content in Pokemon games. Gens 4 and 3 set this standard long before Gen 5 and unfortunately it just has not been reached since. Most likely due to Pokemon becoming world wide annual releases.

  6. I feel this very strongly for Pokémon and Temtem, yes they may have lots of "content" most of it is mind-numbing and rng based. Temtem's breeding system is also a thousand times worse than Pokémon's and there's basically no way around it other than spending and grinding even more money for the auction house.

  7. Part of the reason I bring up Yo-Kai Watch games as monster collectors in terms of its vast amounts of content.

    Hunting rare monster recolors is actually meaningful since they're unique monsters. It also helps their color schemes aren't ugly like Pokemon shinies.
    You can max out a monster's stats in like 5 minutes or less thanks to the Sports Center.

    Speaking of which, the Sports Center alone is FILLED with optional battle challenges. Funnily, the Sports Center challenges is full of gimimck team requirements people force on themselves with Nuzlockes.

  8. I haven’t done everything in past Pokémon games, but I remember there was so many different things you could do aside from Shiny Hunting and Hatching perfect IV Pokémon.

    I miss those days.

    Now I just look forward to the human character designs in Pokémon games, but the latest one has the “worst” art style for them.

    I think it has to do with their eyes and how too detailed their hair is. I don’t like it. SwSh struck a nice balance with design and shading to look like the anime art style in 3D form.

  9. This conversation happens all the time with MMOs. The deflecting answers don't help at all, and just come off as being dismissive of the larger issues. Open World games also tend to be as wide as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.

  10. I 100% agree. I don't play competitive and only shiny hunt in pokemon let's go Eevee because it's easier and less time consuming. Didn't know about IV and EV training till pokemon sword/shield and I have played pokemon on and off since pokemon gold on Gameboy color.

  11. To be honest, this feels really random Ed. You’re all over the place on this one…
    I guess what I took away from it was “quality over quantity” and “content is kinda subjective depending on what you play a game for.”

  12. Ah yes, competitive content, something that nintendo games are famous for encouraging as part of the main experience /j

    you know what game had a lot of content? PMD. Once you beat the main story you had a post game to go through with super dungeons on top of that.

  13. I have no idea why I didn’t click the post button when I wrote this comment 😂 anyways your points are 100% valid and I’m surprised someone would justify the lack of good postgame with the optional stuff like shiny hunting or the competitive breeding which is still tedious like why don’t they just remove IV all together already?

  14. Something strange I've noticed in relation to the content of recent Pokemon games is what the trailers present as content. Usually video game trailers will feature major gameplay features, pieces of meaningful content, various ways of playing the game, and story information. Pokemon trailers instead spend a lot of time just showing the game's variations of previous game's content. The game's professor, evil team members, and rival are presented like exciting new content when they're just a different flavor on something already in previous games. While other useful information is present in the trailers, it does get crowded out by the focus on individual characters who merely serve a similar role to similar characters in previous games.

  15. I cant tell how you bored i get with every new pokemon game. sword and shield most egregiously. a battle tower wasnt enough. the 2 min of actual story in the dlc was bland, just new locales with the same lackluster wild areas. pokemon emerald and black/white 2, and platinum are games i never got bored with.

    temtem is guilty of this too. i am sick of the money grind with low payout

  16. Yes, I agree with this wholeheartedly, and this isn't just a problem in monster taming games either.

    Basically it boils down to quality>quantity.

    Idk about anyone else but I work full time and my free time is limited. Much rather spend 50 hrs on a game with a great story and tight, well executed gameplay over a game where the "content" is grinding and praying to RNG for a few hundred hours.

  17. I don't think you understand. Getting the running shoes is such meaningful content. I really appreciate all the effort the devs put into letting you hold the B button to run. You can even walk if you choose NOT to hold the B button! You just don't understand how meaningful it is to increase the pace of your own locomotion at will. Smh.

  18. Reminds me of when someone argued that I didn't "complete" Pokémon Shield because I didn't clear every single possible Max Raid Battle (most of which you're locked out of encountering after getting a few badges)

  19. I think Shiny Hunters and competitive people forget that they aren't at all the majority of players. The majority of players ARE casuals. Intensive content reliant largely on RNG does not appeal to the majority of people. But things like Pokestars Studios, PWT, Battle Frontier, even Mantyne Surfing and taking pictures in SM add something unique to the game and dont require tedium.


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