These Dragons are D&D's Best Kept Secret

Bahamut, the platinum dragon and god of all other metallic dragons is not alone anymore. Join me for a very special episode, including a chat with @edgreenwoodofficial, where we take a creature of myth and transform them from brain thoughts into reality. The Forgotten Realms will never be the same!

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00:00 – INTRO
21:55 – PLOT HOOKS


47 thoughts on “These Dragons are D&D's Best Kept Secret”

  1. Without Bahamet, I’d probably say that they need to spiritually align themselves with one of the more strongly good aligned outer planes, and that they need to change their character and karmic balance as a prerequisite. Strongly good aligned gods could work as a substitute. Maybe this being the Elesium or Mount Celectia version and/or Bahamet, and other plains/gods having slight variations.

  2. What about one for Tiamat? Maybe a variation on the dracohydra where, after proving enough loyalty that she’d even consider gifting you this power, you are to master first the aspect of your own color, then of others (culminating with either merging with DBZ fusion style, or killing and consuming the other) to gain another head and their special elemental and draconic properties. Maybe even some who have figured out how to hijack this process to include non-chromatic dragons, or simply not be revoked by Tiamat (if it even could normally), and the quickest way to win Tiamat’s favor is to kill one of these traitorous abomination.

  3. Platinum dragons lose their limbs and wings? Why would that be an aspirational transformation? If anything, I'd probably use that on a character as a curse, like you're stuck in this form that can never touch or grasp the world around you unless you find someone to lift the curse.
    That would actually make for a pretty interesting campaign, though, now that I think about it. Half dragon or dragonborn impresses Bahamut enough to earn that transcendance, but they really don't want it and have to search around for something that's powerful enough to remove the curse, but not so downright evil that Bahamut himself comes to smite them where they stand.

  4. Guys… don't follow Dungeon Dad's advice on getting a "draconic snack" while watching this video. After feasting on a cow and pig I swallowed gold coins and gems for dessert. I'm not feeling too good! I'm glad I passed on eating some plastic and pewter adventurer miniatures at least!

  5. My campaign has this Star Forge dragon that I made, and his right hand paladin of the faith that he created is a winged dragonborn named Valerian who has followed his Lord's design since the religion first started gaining immortality as his servant.

    Through the course of the campaign there's a corruption that is happening to creatures and beings that use the dragon's light clerics paladins monsters made from the fragments of light shed by the dragon, and it eventually comes to a head, that it's the dragon god who is allowing this corruption in order to become a different being.

    With the help of the players the paladin Valerian can be helped to see sense that his God is no longer virtuous and through his hard work and determination and faith to what is truly just in right in the world, gains the blessing of bahamut, and turns him into a platinum dragonborn with his faith and vow renewed.

  6. I think it needs to be more clear that something funny is going on near the lair, even when the platinum dragon isn't taking active measures against someone. The lair needs another, or perhaps an upscaled, regional effect, like speeded healing, empowered turning, heightened spells from a specific school, or even something that's just cosmetic (maybe aasimar, celestial, or draconic creatures are born like a bolt out of the blue there). Making the surroundings semi-divinely morphic to tie in with the godly aspect of the platinum dragon would also work, or perhaps the surroundings reflect whatever Bahamut is doing to his own home plane, but in subdued form.

  7. Honestly if you ever feel like you are running out of dragons I'd love to see your take on converting the Elder Dragons of Dominaria, especially Ugin the Spirit Dragon and their brother Nicol Bolas. Properly scrubbed of their IP of course,

  8. Cyclical time is a big theme in my campaign setting, so if there was a platinum dragon in my setting I would probably imply that it was some kind of progenitor to Bahamut. And possibly inspired or in some other way a reflection of a past version of Bahamut from a previous cycle as well

  9. 4:14 clearly says her name is pronounced "tuh-MAH-ruh" and you say it "TAM-uh-ruh"

    I know the D&D character had the name first but every time I hear "Volo", my Pokémon brain is like wait what…

    Brief clip of Tears of the Kingdom and uh… isn't this more or less the Light Dragon's story?

  10. i like the idea of dragons keeping some traces of their former identity like the base of their scales having traces of their original colour like hair roots kinds and maybe some racial characteristics like the blue dragon rhino horn

  11. There's a manga called Sakomoto days. In one of the chapters there's a assassin that beleives that you do good things and good things happen to you but he misintrepit it like it was a transaction so when he was at a low point tries to kill innocents saying something like give me your karma points. Could easily see young platinum or previous chromatic think like that for a antagonistic Platinum Dragon

  12. So, if Bahamut is the son of two other platinum dragons, how is it that Tiamat is said to be his sister? What about the tale that Bahamut and Tiamat were created when the dragon god, IO, was split in two? Is there some explanation for this?

  13. So Fizban isn't an aspect of Bahamut, he is the humanoid avatar of Paladine who is a completely separate being which is unique to the Dragonlance setting. Bahamut and Paladine are similar in many ways just like Tiamat and Takhisis, but just like the Dragon Queens the two of them are not one and the same.

  14. Im.not comfortable with this, as I've always made the difference of the draconic creature by the classic folklore in my tables. As 4 leges and wings is a dragon and no legs and no wings would be a WRYM. (Such as the ones from game of thrones are wyvers, 2 legs 2 wings)

  15. The fact that as the second plot hook you said "no beign is truly completely immune to all vice and chaos and corruption" and shown a GREY KNGIHT from Warhammer 40k as a backgroudn image as example, while by warhammer lore, while thats exactly the only faction with NOT A SINGLE member falling into corrution of chaos in their entire history. Was quite confusing for me as a fan ogf both fantasy universes.

  16. I always wonder if anyone has ever made like a population chart through maps, figuring out the population density of dragons. With there being probably hundreds of most colors of dragons and tons of different colors its like is there a dragon every 5 miles or so?

  17. Interesting. If platinum dragons are "anointed appointed" by a dragon deity, if they're not born but made, that means they don't even originally have to have been dragons. A platinum dragon could simply be a dragonborn or even a kobold who properly impressed (or amused) the right deity at the right time and got a crazy glow-up. In fact, a platinum dragon might not have even been a scaly race at all, but a human, halfling, elf, dwarf, gnome, or whatever the high draconic deity deemed worthy of its gift of ascension to platinum dragon status. So that's pretty wild.

  18. Man, I’d love to see some Symbaroum monsters get converted. Not sure if they got converted already though since Ruins of Symbaroum is a thing or whatever, but I’m not sure any of the monsters would necessarily fit what Dungeon Dad normally does. The lore on them is, by design mind you, generally rather sparse, but they can be rather fleshed out on the ecological side of things. More specifically, I like the idea of the scorner, night swarmers, or the glint getting converted.

  19. If something is missing, it is this: a Platinum Dragonborn. After all, if a Dragonborn proves worthy, why not let them be upgraded? (probably not too hard to work out but still)

  20. So I dont know if they already exist, but Ive been working on a pair (technically 3) dragons

    The Crimson and Azure Dragons

    First of what I have made, they arent Chromatic, Metalic or the like, they are Cosmic Dragons, they look and are often confused with Red and Blue Dragons, but their color looks more "alive", and they work as a couple… yes, I know what I wrote, as for their alignments, they are True Neutral

    First their element, they are Positive and Negative energy respectibly, thus they have a variety of things they can do
    Crimson (positive) can use things like fire, radiant and the like
    Azure (negative) can use things like ice, necrotic and the like
    But, they have combined abilities and can interfer with concepts, for example, a cleric uses cure wounds, the Crimson Dragon can tamper with it to boost its effect or even divert its intended target, while an Azure Dragon can lessen the effect or even invert its effect

    Their comunion is by both nessesity and like, they are creatures that represent and continiusly manifest energy of their respective type, so before they reach adulthood, where this energy starts to ramp up its potency, they search for a mate, which isnt that hard cause each one has a match in the universe they can sense their general direction and both start going to one another and once they find it their lives become linked, they are also the only dragons that are born as twins (1 egg hatches 1 of each) and grow with their parents until near adulthood when they start searching for their mate

    Their lair, hoard and personality is what I really want to go on, the reason I started making them, they are Dragons that are unique in the hoard they prefer because, its not defined, they tend to travel to find things they like, and it can be just about anything, from phisical objects to even generes of music to even more obscure, but their behaivior on what they do find vary GREATLY, Crimson Dragons find the 1 thing they really like and Hyperfixate on it, they become extreamly obsesive and absurdly detailed and through in its hoard collecting, preservation and continuation both inside and outside its lair, Azure Dragons are like short attention span hoarders, they find 1 thing they are interested in and start collecting from them for some time, years to decade, but get bored of them afterwards and start searching for the next thing, the same object can respark interest in them later down the line tough, and they are just as meticulous as Crimson Dragons in their upkeep, as long as they remain interested in that specific thing, so in their jounined life thats their only couple problem, Crimson Dragon call their mate on their abandoned junk and Azure Dragon call their mate for their narrow views, aside from that, they are a very stable couple type of creatures

    Their lair can be essentially anywhere but tends to grow to planet size at ancient level, and the only tell that thia couple is near is that all things seem to be perfect, the weather, ground, humidity, lack of monsters in the area (the Dragons make sure such thing arent near), even the animals are stronger in the area, harvest are more rich and delicious, no epidemics can grow, thats because their continous balance created by their positive and negative feedback, the moment they are born is when one can find their lair, because a pillar of energy shoots out from the moment of their birth, their Egg looks like space, black with star like white dots rotating, as it grows the dots start acomulating until there are only 2 big white dots that are circling one another slowly accelerating, when the are to be born the acceleration ramps up and they start to merge into 1, its here when they are almost 1 the egg cracks and starts releasing tremendous amount of energy the parents divert upwards, afterwards the union fails the dots separate to the oposite sides of the Egg, it compleatly shaters and forms the 2 new born Crimson and Azure Dragons (but what of it succed? That is the third dragon, but thats for another time)

    And thats as far as I am with these guys, also, I hope it doesnt need to be said, Crimson and Azure Dragons can be born either male or female, they are not gender exclusive races, sad I must mention it tough due to how we are today

    Edit: forgot 1 thing, they are cosmic travelers that search for their like to other planets and spreed their like to said planets, they dont mind other couples of Crimson Azure Dragons for they are very social among themselves but not so much with other Dragons because they see their Lawful or Chaotic sides as too extreme and the others see them as to wishi washy cause they only really care for their union, family and hoard, but they cannot exit the atmosphere alone, they must be with their mate or recive help from another such pair, like their parents before adulthood, and this is lne of their combine abilities where by interlinking and feeding each other their energy they are able to travel to near light speed and once outside on space, faster than light, and when they do this they look like a comet soaring space

  21. A mysterious humanoid fugure emerges, cloaked to the point that you can't see any part of its skin, holding a huge book. The figure drops the book and leaves. Inside it is a very unusual form of Draconic.

  22. Here is one for you.
    A platinum Dragon has knowledge that's needed to save the day. The location of a tomb now housing a lich summoning it's undead hordes.Or of an ancient mage the party needs to resurrect to stop a cataclysmic spell from completing.
    Anyway, they find the dragon and a few bad charisma checks later, the old egotistical fart tells them to pish off. With no hope left, an old wise insert suggests they check the dragon's horde for information on that era. As the Dragon was involved in offing the lich in round one. Or helped the ancient mage, etc etc.
    Thus, the party must perform a heist.
    Perhaps this even angers the dragon and lures it into the conflict as it tracks the party down, ultimately aiding them in the end. Maybe being humbled by it's own arrogance nearly causing massive harm or it goes full doo-shay and rolls for initiative on the party as a secret final boss.


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