Bilawal Bhutto's Panic Attack | Pak Afraid of Ghosts and Shadows? | NewsX

Pakistan have once again resorted to false accusations, personal attacks, and playing the victim card in their attempt to spread their tried and failed propaganda against India. In June last year, Pakistan claimed it had irrefutable evidence that India was involved in the blast near terrorist hafiz Saeed’s residence. Bilawal Bhutto’s Foreign Minister then raises Kashmir, the only card Pakistan has to play on any multilateral platform. Jaishankar’s stern response called attention to Pakistan’s harboring of terrorists such as Osama bin Laden and the attacks against India that have originated from Pakistan. Again, Pakistan has shown it is a sour loser and will go to any length to make personally objectionable statements. Bilawal’s grandmother and grandfather’s killings were state-sponsored. Now we’re writing an open letter to Bilawal Bhutto, urging him to learn from PM Modi, rather than launching a personal attack on PM Modi. NewsX’s Meenakshi Upreti delves into the story with the panelists
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35 thoughts on “Bilawal Bhutto's Panic Attack | Pak Afraid of Ghosts and Shadows? | NewsX”

  1. What else we expect from terrorist, and terrorist organizer and. World and world media talk about their family take commission for each and every rupees in poke that stupid jihadi wait and see your bad Karma very soon

  2. Pakistan should be tried for GENOCIDE of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan, since 1947, systematically. Bilawal Bhutto is PAPPU of Pakistan. He is behaving like our PAPPU.
    Pakistan may not be edition as it is in future.

  3. Liars have to keep on lying every day to cover up their demonic lifestyle. Their is no other way for them to survive. If they tell the truth everything they possess and have ever done will be wiped away in an instant. That's why even if they know the truth they cannot speak it out because their entire life will turn into shambles and be left on the street like a beggar. So that's why they choose to keep on lying and lying and lying for their entire life until their death…

  4. In 2014 SNAKES raised by pakistan in its own backyard killed 150 school children in peshawar.
    pakistan is facing bankruptcy as it has diverted its resources on funding terrorism rather than development.

    Just think about your development rather than creating trouble for your neighbors.

  5. This man is Pakistan’s Pappu ! This shows bankruptcy of Pakistan’s Diplomacy. With this Caliber of people in Pakistan ,there is no wonder why not a single Pakistani has become a CEO of an American Company.

  6. Bilawal should have used this occasion to get some aids, grants and loans from other countries rather than raking up UNSC resolution on Kashmir, which incidentally was superceded by Simla agreement signed by his own maternal grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Bilwal has demonstrated that he is not even fit for a peon. His father should have given him a chewing gum or lollipop so he could keep hod mouth shut.


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