The Witcher Blood Origin Makes The World Is A Worse Place Simply By Existing…

The Witcher Blood Origin is a show made by people who hate the Witcher specifically BECAUSE they hate the Witcher and it SHOWS! The entire 4 hours are literal anti-entertainment! the world is a sadder place because this abomination has been committed to film

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24 thoughts on “The Witcher Blood Origin Makes The World Is A Worse Place Simply By Existing…”

  1. You know what it bothers me, from now on, anyone that have curious about the property, will no longer watch it, no longer watch the witcher, star wars, star treck, they literaly destroy it and move on, they dont care the property, it just care themself, and when they destroy everithing there will be nothing else, the parasite dont understand he will die when the host die

  2. Yes Sir, Inquisitor, these show runners right here.
    Inquisitor: Yes, I sense the taint, the rot. What do you think, apprentices?
    #1: A gay kiss? A lesbian dwarf? Surely they are under the influence of Slaanesh.
    #2: I became violently I'll watching these four episodes. I say Nurgle is behind this show.
    #3: I was filled with rage to kill them all. Surely a sign of the workings of Korn upon this corrupted filth.
    #4: After reading about these writers and their motivations, I know that they wanted to change the show by deviating from the source material. And change is the motus operandi of Tzeench.
    Inquisitor: All of you have answered rightly. It seems that this abomination of entertainment was clearly corrupted by the influences of Chaos Undivided. Corbis, Hail the Sisters Sororitus. Anthea, gather up all scripts and copies of this excuse for a television show.
    We've got some purifying to do. 😉

  3. This makes me a little bit sad… I'm a Polish person, not that it means much, but watching one of our greatest cultural exports get butchered over and over again kinda hurts my soul.

    No matter how used I got to watching terrible media, seeing The Witcher get disrespected will always bother me.


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