The US Geological Survey Just Revealed This Massive Crack Has Opened Up On The Ocean Floor

The US geological survey just revealed this massive crack has opened up on the ocean floor. Today, we take a look at what the US geological survey just discovered.

If you love to learn new and interesting things about earth, animals, humans, and space, keep watching. We are constantly releasing new content that discusses the strange mysteries and discoveries being made on and about Earth. In this video, we will be focusing on the discussion of tectonic plates and how they impact our world. For example, we will dive into a crack on the Earth’s crust that may be causing an ocean to disappear.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


32 thoughts on “The US Geological Survey Just Revealed This Massive Crack Has Opened Up On The Ocean Floor”

  1. For any human being who is aware of his or her surroundings to think for even a moment that a crack this size just up and appeared overnight without anyone knowing is utterly rediculas the USGS has had this under there watchful eye for a very long time they have been reporting back to the Money printers the Centralized Banking cartel with a play by play action list of all this planet is going through from the total decline in the insect population to entire dead oceans .. Yes that's Oceans with no visible signs of life in them our soils are ruined and they are NOT a Renewable resource or lakes & reservoirs have enough Aluminum Oxides in them for the EPA & DEC to classify them as Being TOXIC .. But Short tern greed and the drunken lust for power & control was more than these few very wealthy very very powerful families could say NO too … 50 yrs ago they were warned 70 yrs ago they were warned 40 yrs ago they were ALL WARNED THE SAME FAMILUYS THE SAME PEOPLE .. amd they decided to roll the dice …. And what happens next is even worse . you see rather than going down in the history books as the Families responsible for destroying earth they will certainly create yet another False Flag event like 9/11 because the PNAC Doctrine they have adopted as there Bible was the tool used to perpetrate the biggest fraud in earths history and they will use that same mental process foto perpetrate a War Big enough to take everyone's mind off who the real criminals are as they will be busy moving into there very deep underground Bunkers they have spent the last 12 yrs finishing & making sure they are stocked to the Brim why do you think its so had to find everything you need at the grocery story because they are diverting so much of that it was certainly going to show up sooner or later ..they have become very good at making false flag wars just look how fast they had the world fighting a Terrorism that was NEVER here.. it was there own terrorism they pulled off then pointed the finger at some poor slob in some cave 20 K miles away war as they are very very good at it by now . But they had there corporate own talking skulls drilling it into your soft skulls day after day until you were seeing them in your sleep .. You were even calling the PD when you seen a stranger walking huis Dog for fuck sake….. Most you people deserve whatever you get but many do not it seems such a shame so few would be responsible for the Demise of so many who didn't go down the BS rabbit hole who didn't believe the Big Trump lie who didn't attack democracy and who didn't believe that utter nonsense 9/11 Official report that has more holes in it than swiss Cheese … Yet were going to pay just like the very idiots who put us right where we are… I hope they are proud..

  2. Years ago i heard a prediction ftom a book pdychic that said "when the sun goes dark again in 2040s, a hole will open up in the marina trench releasing a giant creature trapped there.

    Just sharing interesting book thing i read

  3. Wish you would have shown a map of where this crack is. I believe there is something called the rift in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I thought that was long since discovered. Again, a map or drawing would have been appreciated.

  4. As one of the burned of the poor I can already tell you you don't know what you're talkin about because what's coming is going to destroy the United States and tsunamis is part of it I can tell you with certainty that the Atlantic Ocean and the Western Seaboard will be destroyed by such means the cracks are opening because of Planet X arrival this will cause the physical pole shift of Earth my ancestors here told all of this you could teach a listen to foolish scientist and I live in the covers under cold air 28 years of homelessness 6 years in the spot and to this very day you here nobody but the people that support your houses cars in jobs so I warned you what's coming is going to discipline the world because of us I would know this because the one been showed me this a long time ago the destruction of the world is imminent what you are seeing is the beginning of massive Earth dangerous birth pangs when they reach full validity every location on Earth will be moved out of its place the Earth's core has already started to slow down in the surface as sped up in space as we speak on the first objects and the nations are just part of the gamut you just chosen not to listen to us who freeze outside then you will hear the destruction that will soon arrive to your doors I'm on that very Coastline and I've been calling for the Atlantic to Rise Against the East Coast it's in the prophecies all this is proof that it has begun what was the cracks opening up under the United States that will break her apart over the Middle East it's already started it's coming for you not me I live outside in the cold abundance Talent violated for the last time next year is the eclipse mid part of the year that makes the X on the top of New Madrid fault I know far more but I won't waste my breath but when it comes your way of living is over

  5. Jeremiah 51-42 fibrilacion 18 Jeremiah 50 which includes Russia your storehouses will be emptied EMP will take place before Russia's attack and then in the Nations will invade United States nevermind was coming on the inside you may have heard robots and zombies and that's also the truth but the second virus will come and I know it's name it arrives the word quarantine will be noted

  6. You all set in God we trust and bless you well I'm one of the proofs you defied the hand of God soon the hand of God will shut this down I know this because I said come 2023 it begins

  7. And if you don't believe me go ask your White House he'll also be three asteroids and three Global earthquakes coming what's behind that white up there is the objects in question not a day like today I can see him just fine if you knew where to look I do attracted for 6 years so my final words of this if I live outside recognize Psalms 37 verse one and two front evil-doers 4:30 I will cut them off as the Green Earth

  8. The daughter of Babylon brought into darkness soon Babylon Has Fallen I'm one of the proofs why it comes when you see Pele wake up with Edna then the West Coast goes down I know how that goes to New Madrid fault is the money earthquake the Zircon missile is the arrow of Mighty Men when America goes into darkness that will be when Russia will strike I also said how they would do it 3 years ago he said it himself the Russian president I also took the liberty of contacting that very office today or the ignorance in the state of Maryland so I did one thing you would do you burn me I burn you back I do all these little so-called Mysteries they're not Mysteries you just don't know her nevermind the Sun nevermind emesis behind the Sun what is the parents star what you know is a cochina and soon you will see it all I was Ezekiel 33 warning of the world I warn no more

  9. America's destruction arise will be done when a two-state solution is complete in the Middle East concerning Israel when this is done final destruction of America will take place before this many events will take place between 2023 and 4 but by February 2025 America's name will be ordered in the earth no more if you claim in Jesus Christ and I am homeless like Christ to do not expect to go to a heaven because I'm the proof why you will not and I know what the Bible says only he has the power to determine who goes above or below but through us that's how it is determined unsweet burned me do not go nowhere only the ones who did go anywhere watch the next few months alone why don't we both see what actually happens some count the Indian Ocean to Pacific Rim the poles you don't have to listen prophecy already said you would not listen which is why you will not see the tsunami come for you are an ostrich with your head in the sand because you see not in here not then you know not what yet befalls the world men's Hearts will fail them for what comes upon the Earth

  10. I'm hiding under the covers 28 years of homelessness 6 years in this very spot my very Road hascovir Church on it this phone screws up too much never mind the rest of the message running violently agitated no heat and I don't feel like warning people who are ignorant of The poor

  11. I will only say this and I watch this very Channel I watched all the channels I was here since day one never mind I know who made the internet I know YouTube Elon Musk all of them nothing they do surprises me for I foretold it and if you knew the plans for 2023 that's been partially announced you already know what's coming and yes you will know robots more better than you think do not Marvel for all things will in fact now come to pass

  12. In the beginning there was no death according to the Bible. IT is not known how long man was on earth before he was kicked out and chemical etc changed. So we do not know how developed they were. They talked with God. God had Adam name the planets/stars. Who is to say who built what or when. Similarities on all continents. Star Wars may be a hint. Bible does not record everything and man only imagines what MAY be. Keep looking. We are going into space… it says so.


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