The Trans Panel with Blaire White, Buck Angel, Gracie Jane & More

Adam called Blair White for an interview, which turned into a very interesting panel with Buck Angel, Gracie Janes and their friends, to talk about the community and bounce different opinions!

00:00 Intro
4:00 Buck explains his “Tr*nny Hat” and the importance of reclaiming the word 
5:05 The panel discusses if the word is offensive
8:40 Adam on Gracie continually insinuating that he’s gay 
10:00 The panel discusses whether tr*ns participating in women’s sports is an unfair advantage
18:00 Blair says that Lia Thomas should have given the 1st place trophy to the 2nd place winner for having an advantage
20:00 Blair on being referred to as “self-hating” for her perspectives and what the bathroom situation is like for trans
23:00 Gracie asks Blair if she’s cherry-picking by bringing up the weirdo’s within the community and if she ever creates uplifting content on her platform
27:20 Buck speaks on being called “transphobic”, and why he’s only brought on conservative platforms to speak even though Buck is a liberal 
29:30 Blair speaks on the law on the age of having a double mastectomy and the dangerous symptoms of puberty blockers
33:00 Gracie asks what is the solution to having kids that may want to make the transition
34:50 Buck breaks down speaking down to de-transitioners and many of them regret their decision 
38:00 Are the parents to blame for allowing their young children to transition?
40:15 Blair speaks on therapists losing their jobs for any pushback on decisions to transition, Buck speaks on fighting for years for these surgeries to be covered by health insurance 
41:50 Blair and Buck blame Tik Tok on the 4000% increase in trans interest, these people not knowing that they’re going to have to take drugs for the rest of their life and doctors having fetishes for their patients
44:10 Gracie asks Blair how she feels about people doing sex work in their community and says most trans women have done sex work at some point
47:30 Buck asks if any of them disclose that they’re trans to their dates and is it considered R if you don’t?
50:00 Adam asks if it is morally wrong to bring someone home from the bar and not disclose it
53:30 Blair says that Trans women have a very unhealthy competitive mindset, and Gracie wants to see Blair do sex work
55:10 The panel discusses if straight people having their pronouns in their bios is pointless
56:50 Gracie wants to “sisify” Adam
57:10 Blair talks being called “Non-binary-phobic”, the panel discusses the origin of the word “Non-binary” and their perspective on gender fluidity
1:03:30 Blair says it’s fully inappropriate for trans women to be fully naked in a locker room
1:10:30 Blair asks the panel if all of them are attracted to men, the problem with trans women being put in women’s prisons and the history of trans men put into men’s prisons
1:14:00 Gracie says that she wants to make the world better for women in general, Blair on how she feels about trans women in beauty pageants 
1:17:10 Gracie calls out Adam for his comments on Sledgelords podcast, comparing shape-wear to trans not disclosing their gender 
1:21:05 The panel discusses if and why J.K. Rowling is considered transphobic
1:27:30 The panel revisits Adam’s offensive joke and Adam asks why trans people feel like they should be exempted from being joked about 
1:34:20 Gracie accuses Blair of polarizing people, challenges her to explore different perspectives in terms of making content, and feels like there are way more important issues that need to be talked about
1:37:00 Buck speaks on being an elder and a pioneer in the community and people not being able to have different opinions is a serious problem
1:43:20 Blair speaks on Rachel Levine’s comments on being okay with 12-year-olds being able to transition
1:45:30 Blair speaks on Nikita Dragun being in her DM’s saying she agrees with a lot of the things she’s saying, but could never say it herself in public 





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40 thoughts on “The Trans Panel with Blaire White, Buck Angel, Gracie Jane & More”

  1. I’m so happy someone actually has common sense! Buck standing up for what is actual reality and really shutting down all the ignorant arguments the other trans people are saying in this video is amazing. We need more people to snap others back to reality and stop encouraging/forcing this unrealistic la la land-let’s play pretend type mentality. MEN DO NOT BELONG IN THE SAME BATHROOMS AS LITTLE GIRLS REGARDLESS IF YOU THINK YOU ARE A WOMAN IN YOUR HEAD.

  2. The bit about whipping their dick out in a women’s locker room was absolutely obnoxious. If you want respect, you should give respect.
    Also how are you comparing that to being allowed to make jokes about trans people like anyone else? Apples and oranges. The whole point of single sex spaces is no genitalia of the opposite sex being exposed. Or just go to unisex spaces of which there are plenty. To compare that to jokes – really? Is this a tit for tat?

  3. Blaire and Buck are always amazing together ❤ but I wish Gracie wouldn’t call fans like myself and others Neo-Nazis I mean hell, my family would’ve been taken away just for the simple fact of having Jewish family members and for me being named after a Jewish woman 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ the Nazis were meth addicted pagans who believed in genetic purity and obsessed with eugenics.. people should do research before blindly calling a group of people Nazis 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. Adam may be cis het but is not normal. He's a narc. Buck is a pick me and that's okay but doesn't speak for all of us so stop trying to get these people to confirm their thoughts. These people are intitled to their individual thought!

  5. Hey girls we've made it! Now the biggest thing we can be is a problem for sports. Not a full living, breathing human here or anything. If that's the biggest problem Adam girl, than we have ARRIVED! LOLOL

  6. I have nothing to do with trans community but i never judge that community but I never respected how a lot of trans agree with kids turning trans it’s fucked. But you won’t let your kids get tattoos. Why cause they don’t fully know what they are doing so why will kids should have a choice to change gender. But my eyes open up a lot with the 2 to the right don’t know who they are but they think with 100% logic

  7. This why society needs these convos, I love Buck I'm learning a lot and Blaire too both very knowledgeable and informative. Need more from them. They are needed.

  8. I don't like when jobs back in the day discriminated against trans and they were kind of was forced into sex work, most of them were kicked out by there parents and needed a job.

  9. You really need to sort out your sound/mic issues. It’s super distracting when some people’s voices are inaudible. Don’t you have sound engineers there? You should do a test run before you make these.

  10. Why do some in the trans community believe you’re a polarising voice Blaire. If anything, and I speak for myself, you are depolarising. You have taught me so much.
    This was a great discussion.

  11. The koolaide is thick in the veins of the two on the left couch, especially lollipop. In a woman’s locker room, there are also children and teen girls. If a 6’2 man identifying as a woman with a penis flopped by through there, it would be ridiculous. PERIOD! Nobody’s diick is for common consumption. Blaire would argue this is seen by the masses as perversion. Which SETS BACK your fight. The masses thinks it’s nuts to mutulate childrens genitals. This is wrong and sets back the trans platform. Taking a man home for sex WITHOUT DISCLOSING that you are trans can potentially get you hurt physically or worse. That REALLY sets back the fight. Quit the koolaide and have some common sense


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