The Storytelling of Diablo 4 Feels Like Old Blizzard

And so we finally got to see Diablo 4…

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0:00 Intro
1:08 Gameplay
6:47 World Setting
8:29 Music
9:27 Issues
11:45 The Story Feels Good




50 thoughts on “The Storytelling of Diablo 4 Feels Like Old Blizzard”

  1. Personally, I can't even begin to care how good this game ends up being, I'm still not going to support normalising a full-price game also having MTX's, and being forced to be always online, even for singleplayer, just to justify them.

    Also, it's still Activision/Blizzard. Fuck 'em.

  2. As a Diablo lore nut, I am happy to see the direction and dark themes already present in Diablo 4. Honestly Diablo 3 story was… Trash. The cut scenes were terrible… Most of the angel lore was scuffed and Inarius was really fucked over on story. I hate Inarius as a character, he's an ass, but the way he is portrayed in 4 is far more accurate than in 3 in my opinion. Man I wish the story of 3 just… Didn't happen lol

  3. Thet should add knight class,its perpect character to play an armored holding a sword and shield,i hope they will add the necromancer curse sounds effects in diablo 2 its also a remarkable as a necromancer so good to hear,

  4. I agree, the story starting kind of like a Resident Evil vibe at the beginning hooked me. The side quest stories were also a nice surprise with some having multiple parts.

  5. It's worth noting that Inarius and Lilith weren't the only demons/angels that were done with the eternal war between heaven and hell, but I doubt it's going to be a big plot point during D4.

    Also the Nephalem are the children between angels and demons and that they have become so powerful that eventually the worldstone has been used to seal their powers, turning them mortal or into humans. With the Shattering of the worldstone the powers of the Nephalem slowly seep back into humanity unless their power can be sealed again.

    There have been a few really interesting stories about some humans regaining their nephalem powers (Uldyssian is a good story you could cover)

  6. I am hoping that the whole "mystery" they're doing with the main char where you're figuring out what to do is a direct continuation from Diablo 3 where Tyrael says that the nephalem defied Hell, Heaven and Death itself and saved everyone but what would happen if they should fall to temptation. Being self aware that, yeah you're the hero cause you defeated all threats but at the same time you are just a mortal so if you fell to temptation you would be the biggest threat.

    They could easily pull a Dark Souls 3 with that

  7. Ayo! Im extremely happy for Blizzard putting huge chunk of lore in book. Playing WoW since early TBC and i always loved to read all the books to suplement the vision of world seen in the game ;D (about whats said around 15:10)

  8. The music of diablo 3 was so forgettable I can't associate any tone to a zone or event or anything.
    Not the case with diablo 2. I remember the first time I got to Harrogath. I was dumb struck by the music. I just stayed there until it looped.

  9. I have seen some reports from Alpha testers that suggest that Barbarian is weak early game, but when Paragon labilities get unlocked at level 50, it becomes one of the best classes in the game. We will need to see how it develops.

  10. I miss warcraft 3 era of bliz when i used to think that bliz is the best gaming company ever and back when they know how to make a good story (looking at you shadowlands)

  11. I got the opposite impression. They reveal their villains too early, give them too much expository dialogue, and there's little things like the way the villagers you meet early on never actually introduce themselves. Rather the UI just tells you their names are Vani and Oswald or whatever. That last one is a rookie mistake.

  12. I forgot this mythical type of blizzard video game existed and then i laughed as i got a beta key laughed i installed the game then as i played i slowly shut the hell up and was wisped back to my child hood soooo many years ago and remembered the day d3 came out and i let a piece of my heart die lol

  13. Old blizzard wouldn't have copy work of an other game, there is nothing remains of the old blizzard mate.
    This game is a reskin of Lost Ark.

    POE 2 will crush this game.

  14. So far the only slow down or glitches I have had are in the transition points from the game to the cutscenes. It stutters and since it's 30FPS during them there is a jitter while they are playing.

    My system isn't bleeding edge but roughly in the middle. 6700XT, 5800X3D and 32 GB of ram, and 970 EVO 2TB NvME SSD.

  15. so i just played through diablo 3 occasionally clicking on the lore button and picking up the books and there was mention of lilith in i think act 4 when you are in the high heavens and it kinda explained her motivations so i expect really good things for the story in diablo 4

  16. The story so far is good. the music is good but not best. Doesn't feel like old blizzard. The game play is flat not good, most likely made to push into mobile platforms, auto steering nightmare.


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