Sadhguru REVEALS His Honest Thoughts on Elon Musk

Sadhguru shares his views on Elon Musk and his inter-planetary travel missions. He explains how we can utilize our mind to its fullest to get the maximum benefits of the brain.

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00:00 – Intro
02:48 – How To Increase Your Brain Power?
08:52 – VO
09:09 – Expanding Your Knowledge And the Potentials of Your Brain
18:18 – Outro

▶ Sadhguru’s Books

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▶ Sadhguru’s Favorite Books

1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

2. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift

3. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

4. The Admirable Crichton by JM Barrie

5. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

6. Illusions by Richard Bach

7. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran

8. The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy

9. The Whale by Herman Melville

10. Tolstoy & Dostoevsky Books

10.1 War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

You can watch the video about the books here:

Also watch:

Watch THIS to Never Suffer in the Future | Sadhguru:

How to Become a Wonderful Human Being in 12 Months | Sadhguru:

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38 thoughts on “Sadhguru REVEALS His Honest Thoughts on Elon Musk”

  1. Sadhguru hates Elon Musk so much for what he is doing, like all other globalists do.
    Musk could expose their evilness and that's something evil people, including this fraud (in my opinion), want to avoid and fight with all their power, again, in my opinion. So afraid of losing their position. Power corrupts every weak man or woman I guess……

  2. Always figured this, Musk is a genius regarding the material world. But science won't even accept the premise that human consciousness is not of this world. Science and religion have always been two halves of the same coin, very fitting in a dualistic reality.

  3. I guess my original comment was deleted. I wasn't disrespectful but I disagreed. Never thought my words would be construed as disrespectful. I guess… I guess… ahhhh why bother..

  4. The ever evolving human greed
    Will always find a flock to brainwash to take them to the next planet or the next plain in human evolution
    God speed to all who fallow
    Walk the higher path
    Fallow no one

  5. People hate elon. He bought Twitter and wanted a more free speech version. Bill gates spent millions telling people we need censorship to save democracy. What I find ironic is all the talk about Elon and then nothing about rich democrats that own massive platforms that can sway the masses like Facebook, Instagram, bill gates non profits, Bezo owning the Washington post etc. it’s like If a democrat owns a major news outlet that’s fine but godforbid if a more libertarian type guy wants to do something similar

  6. Elon is trying to keep the world from awakening and evolving naturally through the chakras, in this perfect time of the great awakening by tempting man with artificial intelligence neurolink.
    A.I is what was spoken of in the bible as the antichrist. The antichrist will work together with false prophet. The false prophet is described as having the horns of a lamb.. but mear nubs felt under the scalp. Elons device, which he has implemented in his brain, that uses A.I, can be felt just under the scalp, like horns of a lamb.. mear nubs.

  7. Nothing you say holds any weight anymore. You have been found out as a supporter of depopulation. Totally disgusting and awful. All I hear come out of your mouth now is blah blah blah blah. SAD-guru. You cannot criticize anyone anymore. Fake wisdom. WEF shill. Isn't it?

  8. Humans only use about 10 percent of their brain capacity, and many of their DNA genes are dormant because they haven't used them, or learn how to use more brain capacity or to wake up some dormant genes in order to beat any computer or AI.
    Human capacity is like car that can go as fast as you need to go, but only if you know how to use it.

  9. The evolution of the human race will be through spirituality, not machines. The superhuman will EARN their superpowers (Sidis) through their own spiritual work of healing and purifying the four lower bodies into Ascencion and Enlightenment. Transhumanism is an artificial way of attempting to attain higher capacities without the necessary process of rediscovering one's own divine nature. The Transhumanist agenda is, in fact, a downward spiral into self-destruction, and it is trying to be ushered by malevolent beings who want humanity enslaved and under their control, to serve as food and their evil agenda. Merging with a machine makes a human DENSER in vibration, changes their aura in a detrimental way, makes them vulnerable to being possessed (if you are not the owner of your mind something else can enter more easily), and impedes the connection to their own SOUL… Elon Musk is a force of evil and I hope people wake up to that fact sooner than later.

  10. A sadhguru would know not to talk about anyone unless they were there to defend themselves. A sadhguru would not drive off in a expensive car neither. Sadly, it appears sadhguru is joining a darker agenda that has plaqued us for far to long. I pray to Brahma, Indra, Shiva please here my plea, rid our lives of these false heros and corrupted by money liars. Shiva play your drums of destruction and dance with Shakti to awaken the sleeping Serpent within us all. May we find peace within so the outside world no longer exists for us. Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

  11. Why don’t you tell your mates at the WEF the same thing???? Isn’t it slightly hypocritical since they are raving on about transhumanism. It’s not only Elon Musk. The WEF have said it loud and clear.

  12. But a wise man said…. science and spirituality are tools to reach the same place….there is nothing wrong with Elon's feat…. physical is for breaking boundaries thru science and tech too


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