The Solomon Islands: The Troubled History of a Pacific Paradise

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46 thoughts on “The Solomon Islands: The Troubled History of a Pacific Paradise”

  1. Some of you conveniently leave out the discoveries of our predecessors in other areas besides Europe. I know it complicates everyone's narrative but these fossils have been hidden from the mainstream…tucked under the rug quite neatly. One in the basement of the S M I T Hsonian….A lot of truths lie in that basement. Other specimens that would complicate the narrative of the genius's 🤣

  2. My father was in the US Army in the Solomon Islands during WW2. He told me he would be on guard at night under the canopy where it was very dark, and a voice would come out of the darkness with "Hey Joe". It would startle the hell out of him, then would come the almost dizzy relaxation as he realized they were Islanders. They referred to all Americans as Joe, the funny thing about it was my father's name was Joe. It was a more racially prejudice time then, and my father was reared in rural Mississippi, but when he talked about the Islander allies he never spoke of them with anything but respect. Believe me when I say this had to have been earned. My father has been gone for many years now, your video made me think of him again, thank-you.

  3. Hi, Simon! My late father was part of the 5th Division of Marines. At first, he was stationed on New Calidonia because he contracted malaria. There he basically was a driver for the military higher-ups planning the offensive on the Solomon Islands. He also did "double duty" as a French interpreter and as a driver for the Catholic Missionary Priests who were also French. And because he was fluent in the language, he was also able to procure many fresh food items, such as fruit, fish, pork, etc., for the Officers and Inlisted Personnel mess halls.
    As the push to recapture the Solomons, my dad was then stationed on Vella Lavella and provided security and defense for the Black Sheep Squadron of the USMC. Because it was so hot, all the Marines wore cut-off fatigues, boots, sleeveless shirts. He and his comrades in arms grew beards and always had a cigarette in their mounts to keep the voracious mosquitoes away. That is until the "Damn Army" came in and took over command and then they had to be in full combat uniform. The last place he was on was Bougainville Island, was an intregral stepping stone to Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. There he was shot twice by a 50 caliber Japanese machine gun. He barely survived. It was only later in his life he was able to tell me of his experiences during WWII. My father passed at the age of 91 in 2012. He was a tough old Marine.

  4. As an Aussie, I can't believe the ridiculous decision from the Solomons Prime Minister recently. Our government has been a joke for years but we always tried to help our neighbours and their alignment with China is insane to me. If anyone can explain why they have made their decisions I would appreciate it.

  5. Do not go to these shit hole countries when they start 'tourism'. It was like a sneaky advert in the end trying to get you to go there. The same negative tone was also missing for the Japanese invading. Without Colonisation they would not have had any infrastructure made from anything more than the trees they have and would be ruled by Yellows. Imagine how worse that would have been. Keep flagging yourself it is steaming off of you

  6. The Chinese start putting money into the Solomons and Australia is concerned. They weren't concerned about poverty in the islands enough to invest in the country themselves? Seems as long as it stayed poor and undeveloped the Aussie's were fine with it. If they are smart the islanders will play the West against the Chinese and get paid well.

  7. Lack of tourist infrastructure, heaving unrest due to the current decisions and violent crimes against tourists including gang rape tends to make it low on anyone lists of places to visit.

  8. Sogavare thinks that the Aussies are "overreaching and meddling" and therefore will move closer to China. Well, that should work out well. Everyone knows how respectful and relaxed Beijing is in international relations.

  9. 7:57 – "…bolt action rifles designed in 1903…" – Somebody needs a better understanding that most countries in WWII used bolt action rifles whose designs date to the 1890s. The USA was unusual in having developed a practical semi-automatic rifle and used it widely in WWII. At this point in WWII the USMC was still using bolt-action rifles. That was to change as US production ramped up.

  10. I could never understand why any explorer would want to enslave a country or tribe or whoever all because they are different from you. I wouldve been more fascinated by their culture than enslaving. Why?

    Because I love different cultures and different people it's what makes earth earth.Tjats how God made us…we are different in culture or color,but are brothers in Christ

  11. I've done tons of research on the pacific war. Many US commanders were stumped by the islanders ability to slip thru defensive lines night after night without being seen. Anyone who is interested…. I recommend reading "Helmat For My Pillow" by Robert Leckie USMC…and "With The Old Breed" by Eugene Sledge USMC.

  12. Solomon Islands may as well redesign their flag or become a colony of China. What they can offer SI is something no one else can. And that’s the main reason why their belt and road plan is succeeding.

  13. Thanks for this video. I’m from Australia and we definitely don’t learn anywhere near about our Pacific neighbours as well should. I feel bad about how my country has treated other nations in the region for a long time. Especially how utterly our government has failed to move on climate change.

  14. and now the Solomon govt. is in bed with the CCP. If the CCP gain too much access to the South Pacific it isn't a simple matter of just "fuck us Aussies" it means pretty heavy shit for ALL the western world. If the CCP judge the west to be simply yielding to Putin the CCP will feel more emboldened to take Taiwan by force. Of course the CCP keeping a close eye on the Ukraine is a concern to those of us who consider global politics closely, but even some of those who do consider themselves well versed in global politics by and large ignore the real elephant in the room, North Korea. Russia installed the ping pong family into power after WW2, but the CCP has never been too shy to openly support NK when the west has implemented sanctions against NK. North Korea could quite easily be coerced into pre-emptively striking against the west if Russia or the CCP asked it to. But even more scarily, if NK is even more emboldened by the CCP's confidence, then there's nothing at all preventing NK from acting independently. We know Iran is supplying Russia with drones and fuck knows what else, it wouldn't be difficult for Russia at all to allow aid from Iran to pass through to NK. Geographically, it seems Turkey is a consideration of Russia, but should Russia no longer remain on the back foot, it wouldn't be difficult for Iran and Russia to eradicate Turkey if it made things too tricky. This whole thing is simply smouldering and if the wind changes it could easily flare up into something far more grave for the rest oi us. The future is not ordained nor can anyone really predict just how the dynamics will change for the worse, or, when. In a year from now it isn't inconceivable that some nuclear holocaust situation has engulfed much of the world. Putin can't afford to lose, if he does he'll be "disappeared" and very readily replaced. Given Putin's extremely tenuous position he must be extremely desperate. Someone who is so desperate will resort to anything, including employing other nations no one could have imagined yet. The Solomon's are extremely well placed geographically to divide the South Pacific from the U.S. But the U.S. has increased their presence here in the last couple of weeks because we here in Aussie are also strategically well placed geographically. The best thing the west could do right now would be to act collectively by threatening to pull out ALL business', manufacturing, production and ALL commercial enterprise's they are operating in China unless the CCP drops ALL claims they make on Taiwan and return Hong Kong to FULL independence and autonomy without exception. If EVERYONE made such a threat openly to the CCP they WILL take serious notice of us. If ALL foreign business', commerce, production and manufacturing was actually withdrawn from China the CCP know that their very existence would be threatened by the Chinese citizens themselves. The presence of CCP influence in the Solomon Islands is a very real threat to access in the South China Sea. Vietnam now wants to extend its influence in the South China Sea. Who do you think supported the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War? Yep, the CCP. You can't win another nation's civil war, but you can have a lot of influence over the outcome if you set up things in just the right way for the party you'd prefer to win. The CCP is currently wining the war of influence in the South China Sea and everyone who hates authoritarians and dictators should feel unsettled about it


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