Alex is preaching about the power, purpose, and position of prayer by looking at Matthew 6:5-15. Do you pray as often as you’d like? Do you feel as though your prayer life could improve? Well, this message is for you. Jesus has made it possible for you to have a safe place and constant audience with the Father.


25 thoughts on “PRAYER”

  1. I’ve been needing to hear something like this. I’ve been lacking in my prayers lately, struggling with sin, I never feel good enough and so my prayers mainly consist of asking for God to forgive my carelessness and disobedience, and to help me to do what’s right. I love God I just feel so far and hopeless. But I know I can do the right thing I just need his help.

  2. I❤this message and the song. I use to play and sing that song from the heart. 😊 I😮❤the message and passage from Matthew 6. Jesus gives the perfect examples of how to pray. Pray is the only way to stay connected to our Father and obedience and doing what pleases God is how we can get our prayers answered. May God continue to bless you and your family and ministry.

  3. But it's cool. We are in this together. No worries if you making mistake with which Jesus is which because it's so confusing with the little and limited descriptions to even identify each individual character specifically.. I have to dig myself out for resurrection 😂

  4. There are so many Churches who haven't seen God or know Jesus but because it's through the bible they try to make out a rough image of them… That's why there is a limited description in the actual character. I needed to do fact finding and check with those who talked about the dead-C scroll and from there slowly make progress on how my father', s story falls within this complicated story that we call the bible now.

  5. I recently have been going through Matthew and realized I always struggled with Jesus’s prayer in Matthew 6. Since coming across it again I’ve been wrestling with how do I apply this in my life, if Jesus is telling His disciples to pray like this I want to as well, similar to the question the disciples had in Luke 11 even though Jesus already gave them the outline for how to pray. This is as very well timed and super beneficial to my understanding of how to pray like Jesus. Thank you Alex and Lokalani, you guys continue to bless my walk with the Lord. I am praying for your family and ministry.

  6. This was much needed, I neglect prayer time more than I should and forget that there really is so much power in prayer. My Father wants to talk to me and I need to stop putting off talking to Him.


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