The Snark Tank Podcast: #102 – Elden Ring is AMAZING


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23 thoughts on “The Snark Tank Podcast: #102 – Elden Ring is AMAZING”

  1. Elden Ring is so good I brought my whole PC to my grandparents cause I have to stay here temporarily. I'm not giving any time away to be wasted. All of the free time goes to Elden Ring!

  2. Personally I'd pass on Watchdogs 1. Though if you see 2 on sale pick it up. It's way less serious than 1 and personally I like the aesthetic nerdy group of underdog hackers takes on giant FB like mega corp.

  3. Every time I see people complain about wanting an easy mode in fromsoft games for accessibility reasons they are never the person with disabilities, they're just dog shit at the game and refuse to learn how the game wants you to play, like no shit the boss is gonna kill you if you don't learn their attack patterns and try to out damage the demon man 2x your size. It seems less like they want to enjoy fromsoft games and more like they refuse to admit the games just aren't for them.
    Also to follow up all of this, i'm not great at these games I don't have good reaction times and i die a lot, I just persevere and finish them because how good that feeling of overcoming the bosses is.

  4. I've never played a FromSoftware game myself, it didn't appeal to me so I didn't play it but I also didn't cry out for an easy mode so I could play. Demon/Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and now Elden Ring are difficult games and people need to stop being so entitled. FromSoft created a game with a particular gameplay style and that is how the devs planned for it to be played and if those devs don't want to add an easy mode they shouldn't be forced to do so.

  5. I know the feel of losing old youtube videos that you loved to come back to every now and then. My friends and I used to be fascinated with filmwave and still reference them today. I miss those videos lol

  6. I literally just looked up "Extraordinary Wombat" in Google Images and found Mr. Wombat from Blinky Bill after a bit of scrolling (below half scroll, so rather far considering).

  7. I am having a similar crisis trying to remember a show I watched a couple of years ago. All I can remember is it had Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing an average guy who keeps having to deal with evil demons and ghosts, and he's just kinda jaded by the whole ordeal.

  8. I love how Chris denies that the nerd voice is a real thing, while actively doing the nerd voice. Just slightly more nasaly and he'd sound like every nerd stereotype in media.


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