The secrets of Humanity will be revealed by the Moon?

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49 thoughts on “The secrets of Humanity will be revealed by the Moon?”

  1. I'm not going to look this up because who knows if what they're saying is true or not. It's about an article about NASA claiming that after the moon landing when they were leaving they disengaged a part of the craft they were in and when it hit the moon it reverberated indicating that the moon was hollow and that it is artificial? I have no idea if this was/is a conspiracy theory or not???

  2. ❤ Good afternoon Ellie! When you said you didn't know how you knew about humans being an experiment I too had this same knowledge since I was 4 and told my Dad Earth was like "an ant farm" and we are a science experiment. I also told my Dad when I got into kindergarten that Aliens are real and they are watching us . My Dad was a scientist and he would entertain my "childhood alien comments". I also told him that a kind lady would come to me at night and watch over me. He asked me to "describe her" so I did. He said.."are you sure? & did she tell you who she was?". Yes, it was his Mother and her name is Martha… he was stunned…I described his Mother, her name and she died when he was 8 years old. After that, my Dad and I would watch sci-fi, and The Time Tunnel, Star Trek, etc. He bought Chariots of the God's and other Erich von Däniken books for me. I was born in 1960. I have always known the truth and I know that the current civil unrest is the beginning of E.T. full disclosure. By 2025 we are going to either ascend into a higher dimension or those who can not will be relocated to another 3D matrix planet and continue to evolve. No one will be aware they have been relocated, as the planet will be 3rd density and a virtual matrix that is identical to Earth before 2024. Thankyou for sharing your experience. I know the lightworkers are lifting Eath into a new 5th dimension reality. We will be Changing from carbon based beings into crystalline beings that can resonate in higher dimensions. Sending Love & Light to all. Praying for Peace around the world. ❤

  3. Thank you Ellie. Yes every time you do a woo woo reading you reveal a lot who we are but what we need to do to become better people The Principles are always the same, be kind, do good love respect generosity compassion, all the Law of one Principles. With these constant messages I have so much hope for humanity

  4. Dear Ellie, I have heard different stories. A Canadian Defence Minister of the 1970s said that he knew about UFOs from his time in Pierre Trudeau's Government. Into his 90s he spoke with considerable Authority on the subject. In a Nutshellhe said different Races were involved. Thankfully most were trying to help the Human Race with only a few with ill intentions. However, major Money and banking interests want Aliens to be seen As the West's next universal threat. Universal Peace is not good for the Arms Industry! I would not be surprised that you always thought so. My strictly Northern Irish Anglican Grandmother saw one around Havelock Ontario. Not a Lady prone to flights of Imagination. It was not a Weather Balloon! BTW the CBC would always report Sitings without any lame explanations from our Military. Our dear American friends act in a way more ignigmatic than Space Aliens! (CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

  5. You are not the only one who believes we are in an experiment. This came to me while driving one day. The thought just came out of no where. I saw the image of a Petri dish in my mind and the word experiment. I said out loud in my car looking crazy….”you mean to tell me we are part of an experiment?” I got so annoyed after that? Like what are we doing here? I’m tired of all this already. 😂

  6. You're absolutely right. I always think of what I would do if I were rich, and it wouldn't be literal ego trips.
    I've always thought of myself as a pawn on a chess board. Obviously, I need to empower myself—or something….

  7. Hi Ellie. A STORY: The earth needs the gravity of the moon to stabilise and produce life, otherwise the weather is too violent to sustain much life. Millions of years ago the seeding of new planets aliens knew the earth needed stabilising and made the moon as a stabiliser so its gravitational pull would stop the earth wobbling. It was their job to create new life. God's plan to evolve more and more. What do you think ?

  8. It's exciting to know that we have something way more interesting to read on besides Trump. lol. I watch the Why Files as well. Fascinating show. My Mom told me one time that she thought we were put here by extraterrestrials. I can't remember where I heard this, but remember the Russian Luna 25 Probe that crashed on the Moon in 2023, there was some speculation by psychics/tarot readers that it was taken out by extraterrestrials because it had a nuclear payload. I need to ask this in your questions post to see if you can do a reading on it. I mentioned before that my Mom used to have dreams that came true. Do you think it affects the reading when you are talking about something else while you are shuffling the cards? I've often wondered about that. Thank you so much Ellie and the people who ask these fascinating questions.

  9. I always get chills, goose bumps, when you bring up your childhood knowledge that 'we are an experiment' because, as I've said before, I've always thought the same… ALWAYS.

    Could the 'World in Reverse' be our "arrested development"? Should we be further in our evolutionary progression? I think we should be. At least I wish we were. I truly believe we've been stunted in our development somewhere along the way… somehow.
    I have always had this deeply held, innate belief that we have greater physiological, psychical, "spiritual"/metaphysical… "energetic" maybe… abilities, far beyond what we comprehend, and far beyond what most people are willing to acknowledge could even be possible.
    I think we, too, could perform many of the "miracles" that Christ appeared to… if we truly believed, or KNEW, we could. Again… I feel I've just always known it, since childhood.
    But when you have "authority figures" and religious leaders telling you, "You can't!", or that you're being "blasphemous" in your ideas, theories, or beliefs, then the masses will likely never even try, making it impossible to achieve our higher, greater potential. We just remain "dumbed-down monkeys" under the control of others.
    If I were one of our creators, I think I'd be quite heartbroken with our creation. Especially as many of us are digressing…devolving, at this point.💔

    I wrote all of the previous before the "World in Reverse" clarifiers were laid out.
    Have you heard about the "Dracos" that ALLEGEDLY live on the dark side of the moon & feed off of our negative energy? Maybe they're keeping us barbaric & warring. NOT saying I believe it… just thought I'd throw it in. Lol!… But ya never know.😳
    Aaaand… does anyone else feel energized, in an excited & happy way, looking at the Moon??… Especially the full Moon? 🤩
    Except for last night's rare "Strawberry Moon". I felt extremely agitated & perturbed… easily annoyed, for some reason. Kinda still feeling it today.🤔
    Apologies for MY "doo-lally"(sp?) rant.😉
    Thank you for another very interesting & thought-provoking reading, Ellie.💗 Maybe too provoking. Gotta be cautious when "tickling bears".😁
    Love & blessings from… the Past 💜💜💜

    p.s. I love the WF!😍 AJ really does his research. Who doesn't love Hecklefish?😉… & Gertie?💗… Cuz, "camels love to dance"!😂

  10. I disagree..GOD IS GOD WHO CREATED ALL THINGS.. EARTH AND GALAXIES BEYOND.. these Aliens are creatures of the different dimension.. .. I PRAY that someday soon GOD to manifest his miracle unto you that YOU BELIEVE!

  11. I also have believed that we were an experiment and Aliens were trying to teach us to be worthy. Trying to believe that a benevolent GOD would allow such horrible things to happen to innocent children just didn’t make sense to me.

  12. Ellie: re the ‘human experiment’ – you might look into the speculations of Zechariah Sitchin. An archaeologist and linguist, he came to a similar hypothesis based on his translations of cuneiform clay tablets. Every library will have his series of 8 books. Worth a look!

  13. This really was important for me Ellie. I have been wondering why I feel the way I do about the moon and the sun and everyday worldly happenings as something feels off…I am not slipping off my rocker!! Your reading has helped me put these feelings and out-of-the-norm happenings into perspective. Thank you!

  14. I've reason to believe that Earth was seeded with humans and other life forms by ET's. At the same time it was God's will and we agreed.

    I also suspect ET's "tweek" humans DNA at times.

  15. I’ve heard that the Moon is a spaceship. I’ve also heard that Earth is indeed an experiment, and we are being watched because a few people here like to mess around with nuclear weapons, as stated by an ET named Aetherius. He mentored Dr. George King back in the 1950’s until George’s death in 1997 I believe. (Dr. King created The Aetherius Society, and it is still around). And I agree with another post…Elon Musk can go to the Moon and stay there.

  16. Re. Buzz Aldrin, what really struck me was his demeanor from when they launched (joy, trust, anticipation of discovery) and when they came back. I could see he had experienced something otherworldly and profound, and there was a tinge of madness in his eyes on subsequent interviews. I don't doubt that he was hugely impacted by some traumatic event while there. He did give interviews later in life regarding what was on the moon and what he saw.

  17. Yes they had plenty of stuff like that on tv back in the 60s…mags and Sci fi was always popular maybe not as sophisticated as it is now..but theories have been around for ages.

  18. We're pretty sure how we got our special big moon. Moon rocks are Earth rocks – e-a-r-l-y Earth rocks – and there is no element on the moon that is not also present on the Earth. The consensus and the math and the computer simulations all point to the same thing – very early in its life, the Earth was struck by something nearly half its size and at just the right angle, which would have been an orbital angle, much like Earth's, around the Sun. In the early chaos of our forming Solar System, there had to have been another planet between the orbits of Earth and Mars, one that periodically crossed the orbit of Earth as both revolved around the Sun. This is not unusual; it happens still. Periodically, Pluto (whose orbit is whacked at 15 degrees to the elliptic) crosses the orbit of Neptune to become the 8th body from the Sun, not the 9th. The offset mass of the moon (its densest core is not dead center) could only have resulted from its proximity to the Earth (and its gravity) as the thrown-off debris from the collision coalesced into the moon we ended up with, which was much closer at formation (it moves further away each year by about an inch or so and slows further in its orbital period, originally so close that every ocean wave was a tsunami and orbiting the Earth so fast that high tide occurred about every 4 hours, as recorded in our planet's geology). The early moon rotated on its axis, as does Earth, before it became tidally locked with our planet, thanks to Earth's gravity (and that offset-center mass of the moon), and has shown us the same unchanging face ever since. This tidal lock left the moon held up before early Earth like a shield before a gladiator, lucky for life on Earth. It took (still takes) the brunt of impacts from many a wayward, wandering bit of our Solar System's leftovers, which is why the far side of the moon (not the "dark" side, since that side is a full moon as often as the side we see) is beat to hell and thus, yes, lighter in color. And all craters on the moon "should" be the same depth, given the semi-consistent average speed of stuff flying through our Solar System and the fact the moon has zero atmosphere. Regardless of size, whatever hits the moon (a ton of bricks or a marble) will carry the same per-square-inch average impact, and, much like on Mars, that moon dust is generally the consistency of ash – it hovers in a reduced gravity with no air, no wind, and no rotation before gently settling down (wait for it) often in the very crater it was knocked out of, and these craters overlap and overlap. Our moon also stabilizes our axial tilt (at 23 degrees), necessary for the regulation of climate that ultimately allowed our species to develop (and gave us 4 lovely seasons). Without it, the Earth would roll around much like Mars does, periodically aiming the poles at the Sun. That doesn't much affect Mars, but Mars doesn't have oceans and ice caps and species adapted to this or that temperature, tide, or weather pattern. I really wish more people took an interest in the sciences. They are truly fascinating. Fun fact: We almost ended up in a binary star system. Had the Sun delayed much longer before achieving fusion, Jupiter would have become our second, smaller Sun. Indeed, it is the only body in our Solar System, other than the Sun itself, that gives off its own light. It also has a known 95 moons of its own. Yep, fascinating.


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