The Search For The Ancient Cities Of The Maya | Myth Hunters | Odyssey

19th-century Europeans believed that the indigenous peoples of central America couldn’t have built mighty cities deep within the jungle. That was until two explorers would go on to prove an entire continent wrong.

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32 thoughts on “The Search For The Ancient Cities Of The Maya | Myth Hunters | Odyssey”

  1. Somewhere there is a massive disconnect here. The Mayan empire is basically said to have extended in the Central American region, and not down into South America and the Amazonian river basin. This is some other imperial tribe, just like the Peruvian Incan region of western South American coastline. Could this be the origin of the Druids of British Isles and Europe, the Theraputae of Greeks, part of the El Dorado mythistory ?

  2. 1:10 Amerindians are "Asians that had come to Central-America and built these ruins and then left" (died off).

    Concerning the 'savage' Amerindians that were/are left, they are not descendants of those that were capable of creating highly functioning societies.

  3. The Maya did exist widely in the Yucatan. The Amazonian and Andean were offshoots of the precursors of the Incas and the Incans themselves. It isn't a mystery, or an Eric von Daniken tale. No extraterrestrial here.

  4. "They found something that the world had never seen before"
    Well that's not a very realistic point, as obviously the builders of these didn't do it blindfolded….

  5. The two traveled across continents and oceans, then, weeks on a river boat, before navigating think foliage for days! After fevers, mosquitoes and drunken sailors, they, at last, found their goal!
    Then, the land owner shows up. LOL That got me!
    That should have been the clue that others had been there before them. I couldn't begin to imagine finding all that!

  6. Europeans not believing mayan ruins could've been built by the native americans honestly just goes to show how far native american civilization has fallen if anything.
    Can't blame them for thinking that it couldn't have been the mostly naked, stone tool wielding people living in huts that built the great and intricate stone structures hundreds of years ago.

  7. This might be off track but sometimes I wonder if other viewers also realize the fact that some of these guests and experts on these kind of intriguing shows look super evil and more evil than dahmer and Ed gein combined. Jesus Christ! The first guy to with the weird long hair looks like he just finished washing his bloody hands after stuffing a few bits and pieces down the drain. Lol. Just saying though!
    Good show by the ways ❤

  8. Seriously? Aren’t docs supposed to be EDUCATIONAL? This is quite pathetic. The Amazon only runs through South America, not Mexico, nor Central America. Why is Amazon in the title. Don’t complain when people call “Americans” dumb.

  9. So why didn’t we learn this kind of stuff in the public schools?
    And why does everything get lost after being sent to the Smithsonian Institute ????
    No the schools teach get a job and pay taxes. And don’t question why we have inflation and why they steal money out of our paychecks and why we pay rent to people that didn’t pay jack to build house upon house meaning apartments. In the first place.. Or why we have Mexicans and blacks and Asians in my hometown now?
    Because they weren’t there when I was growing up.. maybe this explains inflation and taxes on the people. I’m just saying.

  10. I dont understand why they keep saying that they didn't think there could be any advanced indigenous civilizations in the Americas in the 1800s – we already knew about the Spanish discovering and conquering mexico city…. Surely that is a record of an native American civilization?

  11. The Mayan civilization on Earth, was originally from the constellation "Maia". Which is in the Pleiades star cluster. They traveled here through many Portal / Vortex systems, to create settlements in Central America. Then were later chased off by the Anunnaki & Reptilians.


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