The Scariest Necromorph in Dead Space Remake

Perhaps the scariest necromorph in the entire Dead Space Franchise and my personal favorite.

Dividers are tall, thin Necromorphs with the unique ability to break apart into smaller creatures and overwhelm their victim. The Divider is an audibly loud creature, emitting deep whale-like bellows when idle and high-pitched shrieks when agitated. They are encountered in Dead Space, Dead Space 2.

Dividers are the most uncommon Necromorph in Dead Space, but are extremely rare in Dead Space 2. Only six Dividers in total are found in Dead Space 1, while Dividers only appear twice in Dead Space 2 with one found early in the game and one very close to the last chapter in the medical area after leaving a power node room.

(0:00) – Dead Space Remake
(0:55) – Original Dead Space



41 thoughts on “The Scariest Necromorph in Dead Space Remake”

  1. Its such a good scene. By this point in the game the expectation is that 1: Necromorphs will rush towards you (except for ranged ones) and 2: these survivor encounters will usually go uninterrupted. Having him slowly shamble around the corner really caught me off guard, despite playing the original game when I was younger.

  2. You're having a good day kicking babies when suddenly this lanky streak of piss swaggers in moaning Jeffery Dahmer's chill playlist at you. You give him the usual greeting when suddenly it dawns on you that this creepypasta is actually pulling the old "2 kids in a trenchcoat" gag from Little Rascals.

  3. They kinda nerfed the howl. Before you could hear them at a distance away. And as you approach you are haunted with the howl and you’re left not wanting to go forward in fear of the creature but you end up only torturing yourself to listen to that suffering howl so you have to go. That’s how it felt for me in the original dead space before a divider encounter.


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