The Revolutionary 400IQ Nazi Strategy to Ruin France

The Manstein Plan. Operation Sichelschnitt. Case Yellow. Whatever you want to call it, you can’t deny the fact that this revolutionary war tactic to attack one of the most heavily defended countries in the world, France, was a stroke of pure genius. After all, the French put an ungodly amount of time and resources into constructing the legendary Maginot Line. Hitler needed to somehow get past this impenetrable bastion, but the French thought of everything.

No, the only way to step towards his goal of Lebensraum was to invent a whole new META of war: Blitzkrieg.


11 thoughts on “The Revolutionary 400IQ Nazi Strategy to Ruin France”

  1. I mean, the Austria election was rigged, Chamberlain HAD to betray the Czechs because the UK was not ready for a war with Germany (which he probably saved the UK in a way by giving them more time to prepare), the French was a mess both in civil government and military organisation, and the Pols were already in deep shit considering papa Stalin and virgin Hitler both want a piece of it. Just in general, Europe was fucked when remilitarization of the rhineland happened and Hitler got away with it.
    But I do have to add in a bit of details on the Operation sickle cut. It was a huge gamble for sure, and before the operation even begin, the build up of the tanks was actually detected by the French air recon and was reported to the high command. The problem was that the high command were so tunnel vision on Belgium the report didn't even make it to the desk. Had someone actually read the report the plan may have not worked.


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