The Reveal of SpaceX's NEW Lunar Rover!

The Reveal of SpaceX’s NEW Lunar Rover!

Last Video: How China’s Space Program SURPASSES NASA’s Achievements

! Get ready for an out-of-this-world experience as SpaceX unveils its brand new Lunar Rover! Join us as we give you an inside look at the amazing technology that will be used to explore the moon. Learn more about SpaceX’s innovative journey and how it’s paving the way for NASA’s mission to explore our celestial neighbor. Don’t miss this groundbreaking event – tune in now and witness history-in-the-making!

#spacex #nasa #mars #moon


4 thoughts on “The Reveal of SpaceX's NEW Lunar Rover!”

  1. Ha ha! Human are so outdated mind!? Once they saw a rectangular box with wheels – they are reluctant to think beyond that. Without rectangular box; without wheels – Is human brain is NOT capable to think?? Fine! Stay there – outdated. Robots will make you slaves one day.


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