The real Top Gun: US military in heated stand-off with China | 60 Minutes Australia

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It might sound like twisted logic, but military forces everywhere argue that the greater the firepower they possess, the greater the chance of maintaining peace. In other words, massive weaponry is the best deterrent to war. Right now the theory is being tested like never before, and much of it is happening in Australia’s backyard, the Indo-Pacific region. The United States wants the world, and more particularly China, to know of its increasing presence there, and to do that it’s putting on a spectacular show. Reporting from the hotly contested South China Sea, Amelia Adams reveals the U.S. military in full-flight is an extraordinary sight to behold.

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For over forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tom Steinfort, Tara Brown, Nick McKenzie and Amelia Adams look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.



30 thoughts on “The real Top Gun: US military in heated stand-off with China | 60 Minutes Australia”

  1. Mahirap man mangyari ang gira pero dapat manindigan tayong mga pilopino tulad ng mga bayani na nag bwis ng kanilang buhay kaya yan dapat gawin natin laban na kung laban para matapos na ang problema 0

  2. Western world will come to a collapse due to constant war on masculinity and lack of respect for soldiers and their sacrifices (sadly).
    'There are approximately 32.8 million Americans, part of Gen Z, but when looking at those who qualify for and want military service, that number quickly dwindles to 412,000, said Brig. Gen. Jason Morris, commander of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, speaking at the West 2023 conference hosted by the U.S. Naval Institute and AFCEA.'

  3. The world survived without china ccp's made. Why can't we do now without china ccp's productivity? Just sanctions all china ccp's exports to kick them back to where they were 1998

  4. The CCP are full of lies. They claim to be peaceful and according to the Chinese guy "nobody want to see military build up", but they grow their military in a rapid speed. China claim they never invade any countries or colonized any place, but the land it currently owns is the result of countless invasion and colonization. They also lie about the spy balloon, lie about meddling the presidential election in Canada, lie about their military spending, lie about their gdp growth, and they lie about the origin of Wuhan virus. Because no country can stand up against China alone. However, there is still hope. I'm so glad that G7 is confronting the threat China posing to the world. With the allies acting together, I hope to see some more firm actions to stop the totalitarian regimes bringing destruction to the world.

  5. Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself Jesus said. And come follow Me ❤️📖nkjv 🙏🙂🕊🇺🇸🕊

  6. I don’t understand, almost every Chinese official said Australia is a peaceful country and has good relations with China. But china doesn’t like Australia to have its arm defence increases and china said that Australia joined the AKUS is causing instability peace in the region.
    ( China had never invaded other countries it said but then China was not capable to do that and now China is capable to do it and even shows it aggression. ) Therefore Australia has it’s own right to defend itself! ( Typically speaking Chinese communist government is always think what they do is right and someone else does not right) .

  7. According to that propagandist, china spends only around 2% of its budget on its military. Leaves out that its total military is almost 600k personnel MORE than any other country in the world! 😆
    Also "never invaded any other country"? Vietnam is about to call BS.

  8. Not sure why China would be unhappy with our stance,our coal and iron ore has and still does help the construction of the biggest Naval fleet on the planet, China's. Any of our politicians ever heard of Pig Iron Bob ?? We've been bitten on the arse before.

  9. I really don’t like China but just thinking that a war might break out between countries really scares me. There’ll be a lot of collateral damage. I appreciate the military efforts and I’ve always had high respect for them as I also have family members in the Philippine navy and the military. But I really am scared.

  10. The sad thing after Leaders and BILLIONAIRES, destroyed thos4 Countries by created wars, now they trying to destroyed Countries in the Pacific Countries and the Pacific Ocean.

  11. This is reallly about Racism, nothing more "why should the yellow asians be more powerful than us"- we dont care if they are our biggest trading partner of does so much for us for cheap…


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