How long to beat 9 Years of Shadows? (2023 Tips)

Find out How long to beat 9 Years of Shadows.

i. The music for 9 Years of Shadows was composed by Michiru Yamane, Manami Matsumae, and Norihiko Hibino. These are all renowned video game composers who have worked on some of the most iconic soundtracks in the industry.

* **Michiru Yamane** is best known for her work on the Castlevania series. She composed the music for many of the games in the series, including Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow, and Dawn of Sorrow. Her music is known for its haunting melodies and atmospheric soundscapes.
* **Manami Matsumae** is best known for her work on the Mega Man series. She composed the music for many of the games in the series, including Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, and Mega Man 4. Her music is known for its catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms.
* **Norihiko Hibino** is best known for his work on the Metal Gear Solid series. He composed the music for many of the games in the series, including Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. His music is known for its dramatic melodies and orchestral soundscapes.

The music for 9 Years of Shadows is a collaboration between these three talented composers. It is a beautiful and atmospheric soundtrack that perfectly complements the game’s visuals and story.

ii. Avoiding side quests in 9 Years of Shadows is a personal choice and depends on your playstyle.

Here are some pros and cons to consider:

* You can beat the game faster.
* You can focus on the main story.
* You can avoid getting sidetracked.

* You may miss out on some interesting content.
* You may not be as powerful as you could be.
* You may not get as much experience.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to avoid side quests is up to you. If you’re looking for a quick playthrough, then it’s probably best to avoid them. However, if you want to experience everything the game has to offer, then you may want to consider doing some of them.

iii. Fast travel is a great way to get around the map quickly. To use fast travel, you’ll need to find a fast travel point. These are usually located at save points or in major towns. Once you’ve found a fast travel point, open the map and select the location you want to travel to.

Here are some tips for using fast travel effectively:

* **Use fast travel to get back to where you left off.** If you’re in the middle of a quest and you need to go back to a previous location, fast travel is a great way to do it.
* **Use fast travel to avoid backtracking.** If you’ve already been to a location, you can fast travel back there instead of having to walk all the way back.
* **Use fast travel to get to a specific location.** If you know where you need to go, fast travel is a great way to get there quickly.
* **Don’t forget to use fast travel!** Fast travel can save you a lot of time, so don’t forget to use it.

iv. You can skip cutscenes in 9 Years of Shadows. To do this, press the Esc key during a cutscene. This will bring up the menu, and you can select “Skip Cutscene” from the list.

Cutscenes are a great way to tell the story and develop the characters, but they can also be time-consuming. If you’re looking for a quick playthrough, you may want to consider skipping cutscenes. However, I would recommend watching them at least once, as they can add a lot to the game.

v. Weapons in 9 Years of Shadows can be upgraded at blacksmiths. To do this, you will need to collect materials, such as ores and crystals. Once you have collected enough materials, you can take them to a blacksmith and they will upgrade your weapon for you.

Upgrading your weapons will make them more powerful, which will help you defeat enemies more quickly. It is a good idea to upgrade your weapons regularly, as you progress through the game.

Here are some tips for upgrading your weapons in 9 Years of Shadows:

* **Collect materials as you go.** Don’t wait until you need to upgrade your weapons to start collecting materials. Collect them as you go, so that you have a stockpile when you need it.
* **Upgrade your weapons regularly.** Don’t wait until your weapons are weak before you upgrade them. Upgrade them regularly, so that you can keep up with the enemies you’re facing.
* **Use the right materials.** Not all materials are created equal. Some materials are more powerful than others. Use the most powerful materials you have when upgrading your weapons.
* **Don’t be afraid to experiment.** There are a variety of different weapons in 9 Years of Shadows. Experiment with different weapons and find the ones that work best for you.


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