The Psychology of The Devil

The Devil goes by many names: Satan, Lucifer, The Great Beast, Beelzebub, The Prince of Darkness. He is the adversary, the accuser, the tempter, the deceiver, and the one who divides from God. The Devil is incredibly wicked and evil, but also intelligent and witty – he is the father of all tricksters – that is what makes him so dangerous. The English word “devil” derives from the Greek diábolos (“the one who divides”). Diabolic is the term in contemporary English. The Greek verb dia-bollein literally means to tear apart. These divisions occur in almost every facet of our lives: race, sex, religion, politics, and economics. The demonic is an inversion of order.

Temptation is the ordinary activity of the devil. It is a real thing for us in each and every day. It begins with deception, buying into the lies of the devil, who promises good, only to deliver evil. The goal of this is to create division or inner conflict in ourselves. In despair, we numb ourselves with pleasure or diversion, which can lead to addiction. Hell is that state of mind which has abandoned itself so completely to a given sin that it cannot act independently of that sin.

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📚 Recommended Reading

▶ Holy Bible
▶ Answer to Job – Jung
▶ Love and Will – Rollo May
▶ Faust – Goethe
▶ Tarot and the Archetypal Journey: The Jungian Path from Darkness to Light – Sallie Nichols
▶ The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso – Dante Alighieri

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🎶 Music used

1. Ambiment – The Ambient – Kevin Macleod
2. Trio for Piano Cello and Clarinet – Kevin Macleod
3. Cryptic Sorrow – Kevin Macleod
4. Silent Turmoil – Myuu
5. Stillstand – Myuu
6. The Long Dark – Scott Buckley
7. I Walk With Ghosts – Scott Buckley
8. Gregorian Chants – Kevin MacLeod

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Scott Buckley –


Kevin MacLeod –

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


📝 Sources

– See Recommended Reading List above.
– Collected Works of C.G. Jung
– Avens, R. (1977). The image of the Devil in CG Jung’s psychology. Journal of Religion and Health, 16, 196-222.
– Sue Mehrtens. Jung on the Devil and the Reality of Evil
– The Devil – Venerable Fulton Sheen
– Bishop Barron on The Devil
– An Exorcist Reveals the Truth About Demons w/ Fr. Vincent Lampert
– Book of Job Explained


⌛ Timestamps

(0:00) Introduction
(1:18) Daimon
(2:06) Pan: The God of Panic and Pandemonium
(3:24) Scapegoating, Projection, God-Complex
(5:38) The Devil: The One Who Divides
(7:06) The Characteristics of the Diabolic
(9:05) Deals with the Devil
(13:30) Archetypes, Ego-Inflation, and Delusion
(14:35) The Fall from Paradise (Felix Culpa)
(16:52) The Devil and Christ as Lucifer (Morning Star)
(20:09) Satan (The Adversary) and Job
(23:52) The Ultimate Tragic Story
(24:29) The Harrowing of Hell
(25:16) Satanism: Evil Disguised as Good
(27:02) The Psychological Activities of The Demonic
(31:08) Carl Jung on the Devil (Shadow)
(33:23) The Devil in The Major Arcana
(34:13) The One-Sided Western Image of God
(36:50) Summum Bonum: The Highest Good
(37:22) Privatio Boni: The Absence of Good
(37:56) Deus Absconditus: The Hidden Dark Side of God
(39:00) The Apocalypse (Revelation) and Enantiodromia
(43:00) Conclusion


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#devil #psychology #lucifer


43 thoughts on “The Psychology of The Devil”

  1. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

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  2. The immaterial world is perfect, flawless, so an immaterial intelligence seeing that a pathetic Devil would have to be apart of the material world changing from moment to moment, where nothing is true, something that is never the same, constantly changing, So God has Awesome Power but the devil 2 has formidable power with special access to the material world. So who has special access to the Material world? That sounds like the Police Dept. And other corrupt, dirty, degraded and worthless US government pathegens.

  3. The serpent did not lie, they became like God with all the consequences that came with it.

    Eve eats the fruit becomes shameful of her nakedness. Then she gives the fruit willingly to Adam knowing what will happen to him. Evil woman corrupts man.

    The problem began when the seeds of the tree of life and tree of knowledge where planted in the garden.
    Against the will of God the seeds are planted, because only God knows why and what will become of creation and the corruption of mankind.

  4. In Islam, there are clear concepts about Satan’s temptation, about the struggle of the soul between good and evil, about freedom of choice, about believing in one God who is neither male nor female, about clearing Eve of the accusation of sin with an explicit saying about the two of them eating from the tree, and even Preferring sin to Adam because he was the first responsible

  5. In my own faith, Dark and Light are natural and are everywhere where the other is, and itself not taught to deny your own darkness, but to acknowledge and accept it, forging it into something that can be used for the benefits of the many. We are taught to use our light to fuel the forget that we use to fire and form our darkness into the tools of progress, and to use our love and compassion guide our actions with the will of man's desire for growth and betterment. We do not have the right to force ourselves or our beliefs on others, and we are all meant to be strong and determined for the sake of each other, for without that determination we have no drive to Be our best selves.

  6. The devil is real. And God had created him good, but he decided to be evil. The Creator is Holy. That verse of Isaiah does not define all scripture. Only a fool would interpret that verse to assume The Creator has evil within. All of Creation is good and still is good, only man became evil and destroyed everything around him, animals, woman, children and nature are all destroyed by the hands of evil men. The Creator is not on this planet. Only evil men, innocent woman, innocent children, innocent animals

  7. I love when these "Satan Worshipers" say "Satan" isn't real, it's just that I like to do whatever I want". Being a Fool is also a Sin.

  8. Love all of your vids brother, but what happened to your microphone in this one? It's pretty obvious you're using a lower quality one or a different bitrate or encoding or idk but I just wanted to let you know.

  9. The entire subtitle file displays at the beginning of the video and doesn't actually work, any idea how to fix this, or is it only certain videos?

  10. Jung has an Ego the size of Mount Everest. Who is he to refute Gods Word and state that the Trinity “should be” supplanted with the quantery? The Trinity is God. God HAS NO SIN IN HIM!

  11. Its funny that i actually think suffering strengths faith in god or something of his nature. Because when you are doooownn bad, whit depression, theres various few things that can save you.
    I turned to philosophy and it worked, but didnt solve, so i kept turning in and in. When i went into spiritual stuff, first i went into occultism and then into this more or less.
    All these teachings are just the optimal tools for survival, its not meant to be followed as rules, its all advices and more often than not, its right. Which weirds me out a little bit…

  12. Mann, ich habe vielleicht was durch, das mich so erschreckt, das mich glauben lässt, das ich einfach keine gute Person bin, aber ich kann auch nicht denken und habe kein Bewusstsein und mein Charakter wurde verändert während dieses Tests. Ich versuche zu reflektieren, aber ich kann das nur, wenn es mir von meinem Meister erlaubt ist.

  13. There isn't any psychology of the devil because there isn't any devil. Ths psychology of Christians is built around magical-thinking, wishful thinking, impressionable gullibility, manipulated feelings of guilt, desire for community acceptance and deference to authority.

  14. you're not actually recommending people go to priests right? Like a metaphorical one, yah? Startin to worry whether or not you're using religious terminology as placeholders. I haven't been watching a christian nutter all these videos, yah?


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