I Tried Fallout 4 Again…

💥ALL MY LINKS: https://linktr.ee/LukeStephens
Fallout 4 is a 2015 action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the fourth main game in the Fallout series and was released worldwide on November 10, 2015, for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One.

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49 thoughts on “I Tried Fallout 4 Again…”

  1. I still can't find myself saying that Fallout 4 is anything more than mediocre. The combat and exploration can be fun, but I do not care for practically anything else it has to offer. The dialogue is still bad, I don't care about base building (a feature that likely detracted from other settlements from existing as hubs of activity), I still don't care for the way leveling up works, and the story and factions are all terrible.

    It just isn't a good game for me. Glad you can enjoy it more though.

  2. As someone that gets bored in Skyrim easily, I think the narrative is much better in FO4 even if "the end" fell flat. Skyrim is too much of a sandbox for my taste, but FO4 kept me coming back to the main questline in a way that didn't bother me. Meaning I could spend tons of time building up different locations, and doing side quests, but not feel that weird going back to the main quest. However, I also loved FO4 because I'm wimpy enough that the game can get scary for me at times, so I enjoy breaks from it by building stuff or coming back to see what creatures I captured as new pets lol.

  3. It's because of how bad and how good Fallout 4 is that has made it what it is today, a great game when you have the right mods.
    There's several DLC+ sized mods that add new world spaces, factions, and ways to play the story, and more are coming out all the time, like the recreated Fallout 3 Point Lookout DLC and the upcoming Fallout London.
    All we need now is a new commonwealth, wink wink.

  4. This reminds me of why I didn't like Bioshock the first time. I was playing it like a survival horror game (especially RE1) and I was not doing good. It wasn't until I realized that it's a shooter/powers game that I really got into it, and loved it.

  5. This game is great. There are unlimited ways to go about your quest. I'm more into just killing all the baddies and monsters I can, but sometimes I concentrate more on settlement building or quest solving adventures. My fav weapon is the Spray and Pray, but also enjoy modding out the baddest combat shotty I can get.

  6. I got Fallout 4 for the first time February 13th 2016 bc that's also when I got my first Xbox one. I didn't experience alot of bugs in the game. However I haven't touched Fallout 4 since the game started crashing the second I stepped foot in downtown Boston. But of course I hear that Bethesda is saying it's mods. But the game does it without mods. I liked Fallout NV and Fallout 3 however after 4 becoming unplayable and 76 being trash I don't have high hopes for the Fallout series.

  7. Maybe I'm just different but to me fallout 4 is a great RPG. I would be an amazing one if you had more options other than to just kill person a or b. But I never ran directly at the story I always explored the world and did side quest frist in each area. To me that's how it's meant to be played. If I you run at a story hard then you always miss some random cool shit.

  8. Its actually a pretty good game now that it's been fixed and has mod support. I played twice. The first time I didn't enjoy it as much because I focused on the story and barley saw anything outside of the main plot points. The story isn't anything to write home about so this got boring and I moved on to something else. The second time I just wandered around stumbling upon things naturally and finding interesting side quests to break up the linear narrative. This was the way to play the game. Don't "hurry" through the campaign! The game pushes the player in that direction because there is a sense of time running out but it really doesn't matter. Look in the distance, find something that looks cool, and then go there to explore it. If I'm being honest the side quests are better than the main story anyway.

  9. Thanks for making this, this helps articulate some of the ways I've been feeling about FO4 after a recent replay. My view is that Bethesda does a great job with the systems of their RPGs, but not with the actual story. FONV was great because it took the system that Bethesda made for FO3 and then had some talented writers and worldbuilders handle the actual story. I really wish Obsidian could've similarly taken the system for FO4 to create a same generation sequel

  10. 11:25 i feel like one fudamental difference between cp2077 and fo4 is the fact that even tho they both suffer from this issue of wanting the player to take the main story seriously, the quality of writing and acting for the story for cyberpunk main questline is so god damn good that im not sure i'd even mind blasting thru it all and missing other parts of the game lmao

  11. Take everything you can pick up. (standard for all bgs games) if you don't need it now you will when you start building your bases! Ignore your companions when they complain about it, btw… also when Vertibirds take to much damage and crash, you can find all kinds of Power Armor parts~ Swan is a male. there are still things i am finding after thousands of hours of play! One example: i found a comic in the bathroom of the Third Rail that i had no idea was there!

  12. So your issue is you can’t have fun with the game unless you ignore the story, and that if you play the story, you’re incapable of having fun playing the side content? Gotta say I usually agree with your vids but this just was not it. You can literally do both. You can play the story and explore. I’m not sure what your issue is

  13. I randomly tried out FO4 a few years ago and couldn't get into it. Currently I’m over 90 hours in and counting. Freaking love it. Yes, it’s great to be thorough and really get into all the backstory info as well. I loved that about Skyrim. Oxhorn is currently still posting about FO4 lore and it’s so relaxing and intriguing to listen to his thoughts while exploring the wasteland for the second time.

  14. The most abysmal part of the game is its writing. They even spent several years to voice out all the crap in the dialogues. The enormous gap between the wins and fails is whats made this game bad.

  15. I play Fallout 4 a little differently
    I start with 1 INT and Charisma, 10 luck and just miscellaneous with the others, also fat as fuck

    At first my character is overly nice, does everything without question, and I only raise Charisma at lvl 15 and INT at lvl 20. So level 30=3 INT, level 40= 4 INT etc

    Around 3-4 INT my character becomes more of a mercenary and is extremely thin

    From INT 7-8 he becomes evil, sarcastic, nihilistic, depending on where you are in the game you could have found your son by now

    At lvl 100 I complete the other quests and now at full charisma and intelligence my buff character goes completely psycho, shaped by the world without solace and ends everyone and everything in the Commonwealth

    It's like breaking bad, but fallout

  16. "…but we're OK with it for some reason." The reason is simple: Clickbait-driven YouTubers and lazy gaming "journalists" hype a game prior to release (for the clicks, of course) to the point it creates subconscious FOMO in consumers. So even though gamers know they are paying full price for a broken game, they accept it because they got to experience the train wreck, to tell their friends (and viewers and readers) how they were scammed by the devs or the CEOs or whoever is to blame. Nerd outrage catharsis feels better than sitting on the sidelines and missing THE DRAMA. The drama makes people feel alive. One "angry" YouTuber has made an entire career out of monetizing the drama and their outrage.
    This goes on until a gamer finally decides they are not interested in the drama any more. They don't have time for it and would rather actually play a good game or spend time with friends and family doing something that isn't broken.

  17. Very obvious that Bethesda is going around and handing out candy to whoever will change their tune on past games so that people will forget the dumpster fire that their previous releases have always been. I love fallout 4, but the fact of the matter is, it's still super buggy. There is a vats bug in survival that shows up constantly if you don't run it with mods that breaks the game about once every two hours. If you have ever played survival, you know that takes you back at least an hour every time it happens. So even today survival mode is unplayable unless you just don't use vats or you use mods. Bethesda has to do better on starfield and now is the time to tell them. Release a functioning game or we won't buy it, because we know you will never fix it.

  18. Fallout 4 is terrible unless you play on the hardest difficulty with survival turned on. The story is also really bad compared to 3 and new vegas. Its still fun though.

    Really missed it being an rp game. Its a shooter not an rp anymore.

    I care about the bugs. Luckily the modders fix them. Not bethesda the modders.

    I played with an ssd on a i7 3770k / gtx 970 at the time. It ran great for me on 1080p/1440p.

    Now i play with a 9900k/3090 ti. 4k runs amazing modded to hell.

  19. I'm absolutely certain that you took more time making this video than you ever spent playing Fallout 4. You couldn't even jump to the car. You cut the video before dying. You don't have a good build, you haven't invested enough time in the game. Your perks are probably all over the place. Your inventory looks like a noob's inventory. Most of the negative reviews are from people that are just not good at the game and take their frustration out like that, just like you. You didn't even know the name of the most iconic weapon in the game, the Fat Man. And you have a Staggering one in your inventory, probably the most useless legendary effects for that weapon. Spend more time playing the games and getting good at them, before leaving shitty reviews. What you lack is ability as a player. One love

  20. Personally I like to believe that Bethesda wants to release a good game without spending too long to make and release it meaning it'll be bugged but playable and then tidy up after to grab more players who don't want to play with bugs, whereas the day 1 players simply don't care

  21. I loved fallout 4 at launch, loved it years later, and still love it now that I have it on PC and learned how to mod it. The thing about gamers is, whenever there’s a new IP or a sequel, there is always a loud minority of people who hate it for whatever reason. Then they praise old ass games from the 90’s because nostalgia tells them it was better.


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