The Problems With Dune's Science that Everyone Tries to Ignore | Arrakis Explained

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24 thoughts on “The Problems With Dune's Science that Everyone Tries to Ignore | Arrakis Explained”

  1. You did very little thinking about this fictional universe. The fast moving projectile cannot penetrate the shield.

    Perhaps Herbert's shield technology is not for filmmakers to depict endless scenes of hand to hand combat but literary, and primarily thematic?

  2. One issue is that Frank described Arrakis orbits the star Canopus (alpha Carinae) which is an F-type supergiant. Granted back in the 1960's the nature of the star was uncertain. Caladan and Giedi Prime's stars are more reasonable being delta Pavonis and 36 Ophiuchi, both very close ( 17.8 and 19.5 ly), however 36 Oph is a multiple star system of 3 K-type main sequence stars …3 body problem etc.

  3. This is a universe where magic worm dust makes you able to see the future. It's not hard sci-fi, and it's not supposed to be. Scooby and the gang can't really go in a door on one side of the hallway and pop out a door on the other side either…

  4. Not sure if you knew this @astrum but arrakis is a desert planet because of the sandworms. The sandworms eat inorganic material and are highly allergic to water they also turn their environments into a desert with spice melange being a byproduct of the process. (Which is why the empire is against terraforming arrakis)

    For the space folding and guild navigators it seems the spice induced environments of the navigators allow them to move space rather than themselves which is why it is mentioned directly as "interstellar travel without moving"

    For the shields I think the idea was taken from liquid body armor that hardens when kinetic energy passes a certain threshold and the fictional idea was built around using specifically the subatomic and fundamental particles that lead to that property (kinetic reaction that is)

    Hope you can touch on those ideas in another video

  5. I detest videos like this. Dune is set around 25K years in the future and you're judging it by science that to them would be like humans yet to discover fire judging our science and telling us it's wrong, but if you're going to make one, at least read the book, not base it on a duology that pointedly ignores the lore in favour of identarian politics. No, Dune is NOT set across multiple galaxies, the "Known Universe" is actually only a small corner of our galaxy. No, Navigators do NOT fold space, the space folding engines do. Navigators navigate. They are able, through the mutations, to make the calculations and ensure you don't fold into a planet via prescience. No, Guild liners in Dune do NOT travel ftl, they fold space, they travel without moving. Do better.

  6. The way the visions of the future are explained in the book is less "Oh I predicted the exact events that will happen" but as a sea of probabilities, with hills that block your view in some places because there are variables you don't know. Its less about prophetic visions and more about opening your mind to fully calculate everything you know to be able to see what could happen, what probably will happen, and what might happen.
    You aren't "seeing the future" when you lift your arms to catch a frisbee in flight, you're simply expecting that it will be in front of you in a moment. But if a dog jumps out from your blind spot and catches it instead, your prediction was wrong. Thus is the prescience that the Spice imparts in Dune. So this actually doesn't conflict with causality or information conservation.

  7. On the topic of needing to use pumps to keep the nano-porous membranes clean. It is explained in the books that the suits harness body movements to power various pumps around the suit. While the book only says this is used to move water from where its collected from the body to where it gets filtered and stored, it also does say that fremen suits are extremely superior to the common suits everyone else uses, and I would not be surprised if their suits doubled down on the pump pressure (making movement more difficult but they're not "soft people") to continually scrub their filters as well.

  8. On the topic of needing to import water from other planets. That's actually been happening as of the books. Its one of the ecology mysteries on Dune that is explained when Paul meets the Fremen. The Harkonens and later the Attreidies import huge amounts of water every month to keep their coffers full and keep their palace comfortable and livable. This water regularly was lost, the noble families weren't much for conservation when they were so wealthy. At one point someone (I forget who) questions where the water is going, I mean, how much water can the atmosphere evaporate before the air starts to get a little less dry. It has to be going somewhere.
    The cisterns that the fremen keep aren't just people's body water like it seems to imply in the movies (as that would just slowly decrease the amount of people that could live on Arakis, since that water is needed for life). The water nets they use to catch water vapor from the wind and other techniques are the Fremen constantly harvesting, all day every day, across the planet, the water that is imported by the noble houses, and then lost to evaporation. They were already preparing for the beginning of the terraforming with offworld water.

  9. Should have briefly mentioned the lasers in Dune. Frank Herbert's lasers aren't "Light bullets that move as slow as real bullets" like 99.99% of all other science fiction did forever. Frank Herbert's lasers are laser cutters dialed up to 11 for range and intensity. And would be the perfect weapon of war if it wasn't for the fictional interaction with the fictional shields.

  10. Scientist's came up with a plan to terra form mars starting with a safer green house gas, something like c8f12 or something else close to that, to heat th planet enough to melt the CO2/ dry ice at the poles. It's a 100year plan they pitched

  11. Ah yes. The extreme survival expert: Bear Grylls, well known for staying in resorts and hotels during filming, instead of sleeping in "the wild." I'm sure he will enjoy being able to drink water made from his sweat, instead of out of an elephant dung someone poured bottled water on. Honestly, the man isn't even a good entertainer, and at best his "survival tips" are not very helpful and at worse will kill you (seriously, don't drink piss unless you want to die faster).


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