The Post Office & Royal Mail Scam You Might Not Be Aware Of

In this eye-opening episode, our host, Simon Henson, uncovers a lesser-known but potentially costly scam: ‘The Post Office & Royal Mail Scam You Might Not Have Heard Of.’ Join us as we delve into the details of an apparent scam that could impact unsuspecting individuals and businesses.


7 thoughts on “The Post Office & Royal Mail Scam You Might Not Be Aware Of”

  1. Hi, I was aware that PO didn't accept items incorporating Lithium batteries, but… I have received a laptop (Ironically, a Fujitsu Siemens laptop, incorporating a Lithium battery pack…) via post, and, I've just taken a cat toy apart, seeking to replace its battery… And found it was a Lithium Polymer battery, hardwired into the control circuit board, and intended to be disposable… It had arrived at the original cat's owner's home… By post…
    But, I've since read the rules, and it would appear your tracker was permissible-

    UK – not allowed in the mail
    Batteries, specifically new and used lithium batteries when not sent with or connected to an electronic device (including power banks)

    Your battery was (obviously, since the tracker was trackable) both sent with, and connected to, the device… Rules-

    Maybe, and I feel I have pretty good English comprehension… I'm misunderstanding? Or did the person who wrote it not mean what he / she wrote…?

    Someone's wrong in their interpretation of the rules…

  2. let me inform you on some thing batterys are not forbiden at all that is a lie. If the battery is installed in a device it is fine to be posted. Think about this ??? laptops cameras radio controlled cars the likes of dell hp lenovo would not use the royal mail. this would lose RM a tone of money so this is bull. As long as the battery is encased in a product it can be posted. So RM is not telling the truth and as for the tracking their trying to fool you into thinking its going by aircraft.


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