The Oldest Woman in the World Breaks the Silence Before Her Death and Reveals Her Secret

How old can a human being get? This is a question that has been asked since the dawn of time, and one that continues to be a topic of fascination. While the average life expectancy has increased over the years, there are still some people who manage to beat the odds and live to a ripe old age. Some of these people lived to be over 120 years old, while others lived to be over 200 years old! And their stories are just as fascinating as their lifespans. From the oldest surviving World War II veteran to the man adorned with a mysterious horn, these are 15 oldest humans to ever live.

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16 thoughts on “The Oldest Woman in the World Breaks the Silence Before Her Death and Reveals Her Secret”

  1. Amazing!! I love the Japanese people. Lived there over 3 yrs. Never met people more noble or honest. I miss living there. Myeko-san and Chinako-san I love you still!😊


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