The Office – 2×12 The Injury – Group Reaction

Michael has a fake injury, while Dwight has a real one in Season 2 Episode 12 of The Office. Be sure to stick around after the reaction for our discussion.

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27 thoughts on “The Office – 2×12 The Injury – Group Reaction”

  1. I'm pretty sure you can get a temporary disabled placard if you have an injury that makes it difficult to get around. Injuries can be fairly debilitating… it's kind of an odd take to insist that someone who can't walk for a couple months would be expected to just suck it up since they will eventually recover. Not sure how common it is to actually get one after an injury, because it's kind of a hassle (and probably takes some time). If you do not have a placard, you cannot park in a disabled spot, even if you have a wheelchair.

    Disabled parking spots aren't limited to people who use wheelchairs, or even to people with obvious mobility issues. Some spots are next to a striped yellow section, and THOSE spots are ideally reserved (but I don't think there's any legal distinction) for people who need to open a ramp for a wheelchair accessible vehicle. Not all disabled parking spots have that feature.

  2. Wish Nikki was in this episode discussion actually with all the medical talk going on. Giving Michael some aspirin is fiiiiiiinnnnneeee. As for the handicapped spot, temporary disability placards definitely exist for a reason. Typically it’ll be for fractures or post op people that will have a while to heal so I wouldn’t necessarily give one to someone who came to me with a sprained ankle. But if you are needing crutches and have significant mobility issues, as a doctor that’s similar to the reason I give old people with OA disability placards and I’d approve a temporary one for them. Not for Michael of course. And his foreman grill would have been on the ground next to his bed. And that’s how he stepped on it. I hate myself for saying this but is it just me or is Michael’s foreman grill bacon idea not that crazy? Definitely a fire hazard but like… I’d do that haha 😂

  3. Pam telling Dwight "It'll be different" before they part ways was to signify that Dwight will be back to his normal self afterwards – and the nice cheeky Dwight that joked with Pam would be gone.

  4. If you take a hit hard enough that you legs feel weak you are indeed concussed you don’t needa be knocked out to get a concussion that’s why boxers die they get dropped and then get up and keep fighting they’re already concussed as soon as their legs felt weak.

  5. on my 7/8th birthday, we rented a salon/playground place indoors, kinda THE place to have ur bday if u were a kid at the time, and in the middle of it, running with friends, i took a bad corner, slipped (cause ure only allowed to play in socks), and hit my chin on the hard floor. i spent hours at the hospital getting stitched, while the rest of my party kept playing and everything like nothing ever happened.

  6. In order to fit what would qualify someone the right to park in a handicap spot, I image it would have to be a some kind of permanent injury or disorder. Maybe even if it was temporary, but you'd still need something (like a licence plate) that clearly shows it. I guess, depending on the injury, you could get something like that. Still, that would require a trip to the hospital & the DMV.

  7. I once found an un-opened package of bacon that had slide down behind the drawer at the bottom of my fridge. It was a year and a half past it's use by date. I went on line to see if I could still eat it. All the info I found was: #1 Does it still look like bacon? Me, Yep #2 Open Package does it smell OK? Me, Yep #3 Cook it does it smell like cooked bacon? Me, Yep #4 Taste a small piece, does it taste like good bacon? Me, Yep #5 Cook the whole package and enjoy. Bacon is heavily cured and will last a long time.

  8. Handicap parking spots are not only for wheelchairs, they're for people with handicap parking permits. You can get one of those for temporary impaired mobility such as needing crutches or a cane. Having to walk long distances in crutches can be really harmful, especially if they were caused by a recent injury that's just starting to heal.

  9. You can get a temporary handicap placard for injuries. I had knee surgery and was on crutches for several months and had handicap parking access. It was very helpful because I could park closer to the door which was a huge difference on crutches.


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