The Next Phase Of Russia’s War In Ukraine

Note: Warning for Graphic Content

The war in Ukraine has entered a new stage. As villagers around Kiyv emerge from a month-long occupation, telling stories of war crimes, Putin’s army is pummeling the East of the country. The Donbas region has been hit with constant shelling, making civilian evacuations deadly.

VICE News travelled to Donbas to witness the evacuation of civilians in the encircled town of Severodonetsk, and the impossible choice civilians hiding in shelters have to make: stay and risk being buried alive, or leave everything behind.

This Russian-speaking region of Ukraine presents a more challenging battleground, one where Ukraine must contend with enemies from within, indoctrinated by the Russian neighbor’s influence.VICE News followed police investigators in their painstaking task of discerning friend from foe in a battleground where the stakes couldn’t be higher.

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48 thoughts on “The Next Phase Of Russia’s War In Ukraine”

  1. That Russian man really said “the safety of my country is what’s most important to me” ??
    Did he forget Ukraine never threatened to invade Russia or bomb them, and also, Ukraine haven’t sent a single bomb into Russia, how stupid is he?💀 Ukraine don’t want to kill innocents in Russia like the Russian’s wants to do in Ukraine
    And he acts like the Russian military didn’t torture and murder all those civilians in Butcha, god, he exactly like typical Palestinians who says they don’t believe in the propaganda of Israelis 💀 smh

  2. I hope the war ends quickly, condolences to the people who were victims. The world knows for sure which country is evil which spreads disaster everywhere. the news media can turn a bad country into a good one.

  3. Apologies for the sheer unwanted deaths.
    The West holds no responsibility, do they?
    They put zelensky( a completely inept fellow at everything) on the chair. What does he knows about being a statesman.

    The states can take a stand and cause the cuban missile crisis. Just look at iraq syria libya and afghanistan. Why can't Russia protect its sovereignty and interests.

    Putin is not a fool, he is a former spy. The West is getting a taste of their own tactics.

    People from other countries will die some of my friends in yuzhny i dont know how they are,

    whereas defence companies from the West will make a good profit.

    This could all have been avoided.

    Is Propaganda reporting the level you want to stoop to.

  4. cant be dramatic enough for the vice girl. its disgusting and has nothing to do with real journalism. She´s like the girl who wants to go home and bring back some cool storys to tell her friends in a bar.

  5. How about this everyone! "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO ALL THE JOURNALIST / CAMERAMEN AND WOMEN WHO RISK LIFE AND LIMB. JUMPING INTO THE WAR ZONES HEAD FIRST TO KEEP US INFORMED AND CONNECTED TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD AT THE FLICK OF A BUTTON." A button we so easily forget the sacrifices it took to bring this to us. Similar to that military trooper "Heading Over" they leave behind families, are at risk of serious injuries and loosing their lives, and even having PTSD from trauma. This genre of journalism is truly, overlooked where the big talents seem to be famous only among the journalist community. #SALUTEOURJOURNALIST #BRAVECAMERAMEN

  6. I am shocked at Putin he is using prisoners and old men to attack ukrainians it's very very sad I don't get it he's supposed to have a elite forces all kinds of weapons and he's using World War II weapons and World War II tanks and prisoners and old people that are retired to go fight a war and drafting them and I don't get it I hope everybody gets together and just destroys those bad men coming into Ukraine

  7. jesus… Vice News turned to be propagandist now?!… what the hell you are saying in this video about Bucha?! This act of crimes came from the Kyiv regime… Russians left Bucha, Ukrainians took it…. celebrate it etc and 4 days later you show bodies?! damn Vice… poor video

  8. Painful to watch this unfold, thank you for covering this from the innocent civilian side, it’s the most important, As a father to a two year old daughter the last scene hit me the hardest, I feel for that man

  9. When you hide out in peoples dwellings to fight a war – you get that building targeted as we see in this video – if you are real men they you need to get out in the country in the fields and forest to do your snipering and hiding.


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