The near death experience of Penny Wittbrodt

Penny Wittbrodt explains how her near-death experience happened, and how it has changed her vision of life and death. Her YouTube channel:

With many thanks to Jan-Willem van Aalst for the Dutch subtitles

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34 thoughts on “The near death experience of Penny Wittbrodt”

  1. I lost my dad and my little dachshund 4 months apart. My dad was suffering from dimentia and my mom was his only caretaker besides me intermittently. I use to take him for rides with my dog, her name was Gretel, and he held her the whole time kissing and petting her. I use to see her stretch her little neck up and give him a random kiss as we drove.
    I saw my dad take his last breath at home at age 77 . 4 months later my little Gretel turned 7 and one night I happily gave her a rawhide and I remembered kissing and petting her as she chewed on it. There was not a day that my wife and I didn't tell her we loved her. Next morning she couldn't open her mouth and infection set in so fast and she became so ill that I had to put her down.
    My heart is so broken along with my wife. I Long to hold her again and kiss her. Such a lovely
    The day my wife and I were riding with her to the vet clinic, I said to my wife, I think I have to give her to my dad.

  2. Yes THEZ stories r always so interesting. And to each his OWN. DIFFERENT BT ALL EQUALY INTERESTING. MY daughter COMMITED suicide earlier this year , so I watch thez to help me cope with the LOSS. SHE WAS A young mother of twins. She needed so much love n support. She was a victim of rape n highschool n never got justice or comfort really so I FEEL so terrible becuz this happened to me n grades school , so I shudve known the lasting effects it has. I became a lifelong drug addict. MY daughter hated that about me n I think that she didn't want to become like me so she took herself out. I also learned that n the afterlife, there's a place u go, kinda like a detention place to teach u things u MUST UNDERSTAND B4 ENTERING HEAVEN. I drew a picture of her sitting on the clouds with angel wings staring at earth and crying. My intuition tells me that's exactly what happened. She was the sweetest person. So I just pictured her feeling sad for breaking our hearts the way that she did. So I try not to cry TOO MUCH ….I DNT want her to b sad or feel bad.I had an artist DRAW another one of her praying for us instead of crying. He also drew me her smiling face for me to have next to my bed. 😘I love u , I miss u my beautiful 🦋. C u there.LOVE ALWAYZ❤️

  3. Thank you so very much Penny. My husband died on September 1st and I have having a hard time wondering where he is. You have helped me tremendously. I hope God is just as forgiving when I get there,

  4. I cried and received soooo much healing..everything you said I felt it and cried. You said language is limited and you would have trouble explaining it yet I felt completely connected to your story. Thank you for sharing. There was definitely a purpose for you coming back and sharing your story to the world. I needed this.

  5. I don't want to do what I'm doing, I keep begging the stars to help me find something I really am aligned to do.. and I want desperately to create something where I just talk things out, and I want this to be how I earn money.. I don't know what it is exactly.. but I keep getting sick, like my throat keeps getting swollen and it's hard to talk.. and I keep telling myself inside my head, ok.. after this time I'm gonna start something.. and I don't.. and then I get sick again..

    Maybe I need to start..

  6. Thank you. Your story gave me hope and helped me realize that God's love for us is never ending. Just recently I think I made a sin and after that, I stopped praying because I feel like I am not worthy. I want to hide from Him because I am a sinner, but your story opens up my eyes. Thank you again. 🙏

  7. I feel so torn about how I feel about life most of the time. Your video helped me out a lot but it's so easy for me to go back to despair. I've had a hard life grew up as a homeless street kid been addicted to drugs was abused by predators and was institutionalized and became so angry at the world and myself. I feel ill with regrets but I hold on to hope I want to believe so much that I can be kind to myself and not think negative about others actions. But I'm full of hate towards myself even when I know it's not healthy but it's so automatic. I just want to break the cycle. Your video gives me hope and I dream what it would be like to remember my past lives and God if it would help at least I would know that it is real. Your video gives me hope that people can change that I can change! Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  8. My mom just died 6 days ago. I’ve been struggling with my faith in God since. She believed in God but I have been questioning everything about Heaven and God. This is the only thing that has gave me any hope. Thank you ❤

  9. My mom just died 6 days ago. I’ve been struggling with my faith in God since. She believed in God but I have been questioning everything about Heaven and God. This is the only thing that has gave me any hope. Thank you ❤

  10. Anthony, thank you so much for these amazing, life-changing videos. So well done. And I have to say that Penny's story has really touched my heart and those of so many others. Just like she said, the smallest of kindnesses can ripple and touch others in so many amazing ways.

  11. Thank you for finding the words and courage to share your story. I'm 100% in agreement with what you're saying. We need to send love to one another and kindness. God sees and knows everything and everyone because He made it all!


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