Could Spain become Europe’s Energy Hub?

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Once an economic underdog, Spain is now emerging as an European energy powerhouse. Amidst its robust economy and large renewables potentials, as well as strategic gas transit position from Africa, Spain is poised to revolutionise Europe’s energy landscape. But can Europe ever truly move away from Russia?

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00:00 – Introduction
00:50 – Spain’s Economy
01:44 – Spain as a Gas State
02:23 – Spain as a Renewables Superpower
03:44 – Wind
04:05 – Hydropower
07:32 – Sponsored Content


34 thoughts on “Could Spain become Europe’s Energy Hub?”

  1. Problem with wind and especially solar is that it has absolutely no capacity to transfer energy. See, when you build major energy production facilities, you also build huge.. i mean, huge transformators. These have the task of putting "pressure". Think of it as the pressure in a hose. Without it, electricity has an issue of being transported. You can't produce energy and send it and expect that to work as pressure. It's not really how that works. They balance the net and makes it resistant to outside disturbance.

    Secondly, the issue is transportation. Different factors mean you loose a lot of electricity along the way. The reason we build power production facilities all over a country instead of in just one place has a reason for it.

    That's roughly how i understood it when listening to a professor in applied nuclear physics with 40 years of experience that built the worlds best energy production system in the world. Sweden before it was ruined when they turned off a bunch of nuclear reactors and built tons of wind power and made everyone cry their eyes out every time they receive their energy bill.

  2. There is an important fact to consider about Spain.
    The people and families investing in Solar energy.
    In the last four years, the annual power installed in solar self-consumption has multiplied by 26. There are already more than 200,000 residential self-consumption installations in Spain.

  3. It could, but at the expenses of the Spanish nation's wealth coz Spain won't be able to negotiate good prices or even control their own natural resources and production; Spain elites are political puppets of supranational powers from Germany and US.

  4. As someone who works in the electricity sector I find it funny that more and more solar is being built with no storage, it is causing negative prices which Netherlands seems to have almost every weekend during the summer. Baseload also doesn't work like that at all, it can't be used just at night when the sun isn't shining, nuclear plants take like a full day to rampup or rampdown meaning that the grid will have too much power on sunny days and then in the evening will not have nearly enough, hence why gas plants are needed for a while until batteries are big enough.

  5. It's a very minor gripe, but at 4:20 you stated that "[Spain has] the fourth most capacity in the EU, after France, Italy, and Norway." Norway is not apart of the EU.

    Like I said, very minor gripe, but hey, why not mention it.
    Oh and the video is great, very informative! We don't hear too much about Spain these days.

  6. Been traveling a lot across Spain over the past year. I came across great infrastructure in the form of trains and roads, civic pride in the towns (clean and litter free) and a sense of creativity and professionalism in the service sector when compared to recent times in the UK. Definitely on the Up. Lots of Wind farms too, Solar is much underused and could be better. Much potential in BEVs too and hope they don't screw that up…

  7. First of all Mr. TLDR, Spain still has ties to Hitler – Franco , they started the Guardia Civil they also started drying up all rivers to control water and sell to farmers so farmers could not water for free, remember a few years ago in Malaga the farmer protests or you are not researching ? Now Spain has become a desert and will be like Africa to the North so hot, so many fires, the worst climate the worst pollution the worst air quality in the world – sure they want to sell power but they will die as a country they already are, look how many move north to other EU countries to find jobs, the only jobs left for the majority is during holiday seasons, the King is corrupt, all is corrupt, yes so much sun build solar .. and wind they will have enough of it, but it will all burn up in fires so no country could depend on it. Before Hitler they prospered in exports, now they are dying , go to Madrid where the King lives , half is ghetto – so many starving, it will be Africa not only in climate but in poverty it is mostly already the only thing they have going is pensioners and tourism .. but when there is sweltering heat and fires and tsunamis no one will travel, or want to live there and saying that African and Moroccan refugees have taken over cities and villages, the policia local are beaten and afraid, visit yourself and see, when 80% of the population is illegals , making crime, selling drugs , selling illegal weapons, selling bombs and nukes .. then you might wake up TLDR! Please wake up and tell the real story

  8. 2:40 "the south is almost constantly sunny" the mean capacity factor of photovoltaic in the south Spain is 20%… better than UK 10% but that's still a problem for electricity users who can't afford a 80% year round blackout.

  9. 1:40 Spain will "play a crucial role in europe's energy transition" 1:48 thanks to "gas" !!!!!
    transition to fossil gas!!
    To compensate for the non-controllable nature of photovoltaic production, Spain uses massively gas-fired power plants
    big win for …fossil gas! (Spain electricity mix 2019: gas 30% solar 3%)

  10. Shouldn't Spain work on reducing emissions befroe considering exports? Looking at the data right now Spain is using 33% coal and gas for their electricity and is importing 6% electricity from France

  11. You must be aware that Spanish, turkish and russians trend to make the world a worse place to live in every time they have power. They love to punch "their own" people when they ask for more democratic values. Look at kurds or catalans as an example. You better build a Europe that do not need Spain. They are not trustable, not ever look for the common good.

  12. Are we utter and complete knobs, absolutely no, Spain or any other country should not hold our energy requirements, England need to build more solar, wind and micro nuclear reactors and not rely on any other country for our fuel/ energy ever again. This is nothing against Spain or any other country, but we need to self reliant simple as.

  13. Nothing important is going to happen as long as we have some politicians who even sell their mother to get their own privileges over the general interest.

    Since they do not defend the interests of the people and do not like to take risks, they will not defend their interests before other countries (or Europe, Africa or America). Someone has to say it, the truth is that we need politicians who have a couple of balls and fight for Spain to exploit its intrinsic strengths, whether it bothers neighboring countries or not. And not retreat to foreign interests. As long as that doesn't happen, Spain can only drag on. For those who see us from the outside, they know that this is the reality, and that although very few, there are Spaniards aware of it.

  14. I guees there is a big scale issue or miss conception 25+25GWh solar, 33GWh hydro… well not that much, France consume 316000 GWh, Germany 484000 GWh… To be full green europe need 1000x renewable capacity. GDP of country are linked 1:1 to power usage… our money come from number of machine using power, future in not green, at least a mixed color of dark grey with touch of light green.


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